A plugin for Factions/Skyblock that is a great vote or donor perk!
1. generator.admin.give
2. generator.admin.reload
3. generator.admin.createtier
4. generator.admin.tierblocks
5. generator.admin.allowaccess
6. generator.admin.tiertime
7. generator.admin.giveall
8. generator.admin.reload
9. ultigen.genvouchers
- /generator give (Name) (Tier)
- /generator give (Name) | Gives a random generator
- /generator reloadconf
- /generator create-tier (Name)
- /generator tier-settings blocks (tier) (BlockID) (Amount) -
- /generator tier-settings money (Tier) (BlockID) (Amount)
- /generator tier-settings chance (Tier) (BlockID) (Chance)
- /generator allow-access (Player/All)
- /generator tier-settings time (tier) (Ticks)
- /generator tier-settings particles (tier) (particle)
- /generator giveall (Tier)
- /genvouchers (Player) (Tier) | When you put no tier, the player gets a random voucher.
(It supports & and §)
item_name: Generator
- line 1
- line 2
use-sign: true
- Generator
- line 2
- Generator
height: 0.5
- Sign
- line 2
- line 3
- line 4
NoPlayer: §4You must be a player to do this!
NoTier: §4Tier %s does not exist!
InvalidBlockID: §4%s is not a valid block ID!
PlayerOffline: §4Player %s is not online!
NoFreeInv: §4Player %s has no free slot in his inventory!
ConfigReloaded: §aConfig Reloaded!
NoAccess: §4You cannot access this generator!
NotAGenerator: §4That block is not a generator!
AccessGranted: §aAcces granted!
AllowingAccess: §aClick on a generator!
CreateTier: §aCreated tier %s
ReceivedGenerator: §aYou received a %s generator!
NotOwner: §4You are not the owner of this generator!
InvalidParticle: §4Invalid Particle Type!
item_name: Generator
- line 1
- line 2
use-sign: true
- Generator
- line 2
- Generator
height: 0.5
- Sign
- line 2
- line 3
- line 4
NoPlayer: §4You must be a player to do this!
NoTier: §4Tier %s does not exist!
InvalidBlockID: §4%s is not a valid block ID!
PlayerOffline: §4Player %s is not online!
NoFreeInv: §4Player %s has no free slot in his inventory!
ConfigReloaded: §aConfig Reloaded!
NoAccess: §4You cannot access this generator!
NotAGenerator: §4That block is not a generator!
AccessGranted: §aAcces granted!
AllowingAccess: §aClick on a generator!
CreateTier: §aCreated tier %s
ReceivedGenerator: §aYou received a %s generator!
NotOwner: §4You are not the owner of this generator!
InvalidParticle: §4Invalid Particle Type!
name: '&aRandom Generator Voucher &7(Right-Click)'
- '&aThis voucher gives you'
- '&6a random generator!'
type: PAPER
(Every voucher you want to add, just copy the random section and paste it in after and edit it)
name: '&aRandom Generator Voucher &7(Right-Click)'
- '&aThis voucher gives you'
- '&6a random generator!'
type: PAPER
(Every voucher you want to add, just copy the random section and paste it in after and edit it)
What does this plugin do?
Let's say that you have an OP generator in your BuyCraft store for $5. Once the player buys it for $5, It gives it to the person. After that, when the player places it on his ASkyBlock island, it starts generating items like Wood, Diamonds, Emeralds, Obsidian, Money, Cobblestone, etc (Stores them in the chest) with particles and a hologram from Holographic Displays.
Thanks to @gordon301 for the video!
UltimateGenerators support channel: https://join.skype.com/bpEh3zC
Test server: Adding one soon!
- Let me know if you have an idea for the plugin!
- Holographic Displays
- WorldEdit
- WorldGuard
- Vault
By purchasing UltimateGenerators,
you agree to the following terms and conditions:
NOTE: DEVELOPMENT HAS BEEN PAUSED. Don't buy yet until further notice.