✦Ultra Hardcore Reloaded✦ The best UHC/UHCRUN of spigot ! [1.7/1.11]

 ✦Ultra Hardcore Reloaded✦ The best UHC/UHCRUN of spigot ! [1.7/1.11] 3.1 UPDATE SOON

✦Ultra Hardcore Reloaded✦ The best UHC/UHCRUN of spigot ! [1.7/1.11]

Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 - 1.8 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11

TESTED MINECRAFT VERSION: 1.7-1.8-1.9-1.10-1.11


✦ Ultra Hardcore Reloaded was created because of a lack of an updated UHC plugin. UHC is Ultra Hardcore Survival Mode where you must survive while facing a hostile environment with monsters, players, borders, and no natural regeneration. You can not regenerate hearts like normal, you must craft potions or golden apples in order to regain health. You will be chased by players with PVP, hunted by hostile mobs while being crept up by the border, but careful not to take fall damage. Once you're out there is no coming back! This game mode has been placed as "for experienced players only" with servers featuring this game mode like Hypixel, Mineplex, ExiumiusGaming, UHCZone, CubecraftGames, and many others. This addicting game mode will be an amazing addition to any network big or small.

✦ Why is it the most powerful UHC plugin?
It's just simply because everything is customizable from the moment you enter the game to the message that gets sent on your way out, everything is customizable! There are a lot of features that you can use to make the game unique to fit with your own network to personalize the experience to fit your community alike! There is a powerful chunk loading and teleportation system to prevent your server from lagging while in game, this is a problem with a lot of servers with massive lag during teleportation and chunk loading. Don't have your players stress over lag, have them play a great game! The chunk loader handles automatically the memory and does not crash your server, you can make it load the biggest map you ever wanted! You have more features than any other UHC plugin! Ultra Hardcore Reloaded was designed with networks in mind, you get to control this for your network!

✦ What is this amazing scoreboard?
Ultra Hardcore Reloaded was built with a powerful scoreboard system. UHCReloaded's scoreboard was built with a highly efficient anti-flicker scoreboard that will ensure that your scoreboard will stand out from all the other servers! You can also customize it how you want with many variables to add uniqueness to allow for a network that you like! Just take a look at the highly detailed Scoreboard.yml, if you have any questions with the scoreboard, we got awesome support!

✦ How do I install this?
  • Login to spigot and purchase the plugin
  • Download UHCReloaded.jar
  • Drag and drop the jar file in your plugins folder
  • Download the dependencies (Spigot 1.7/1.11 and ProtocolLib)
  • Start once your server to let config file be generated
  • Configure the plugin to your liking
  • Enjoy the plugin ;)
✦ What is this amazing support I've heard of?
We provide support to the best of our abilities. Our Management Team & Developer Team are here to help you any second you need our help. We have a very active Skype chat which allows for the fastest support that you can imagine. Skype Support Chat is powered by other buyers and our team, we have an active community on the Skype chat that is willing to answer questions along with our team, providing for basically 24/7 support. If that does not work for you then you can send the team a private message here on spigot and we will still provide amazing support! For links to the support please look in the bottom section titled "Support"

✦ Note this plugin is java 7/8 compatible.



✦ Bungee lobby support!
✦ Very optimized chunk loaders that can load the biggest map you want!
✦ Nether / End support!
✦ Powerful Team System!
✦ A /team command!
✦ Configurable Team GUI!
✦ No limit of team, no limit of player per team!
✦ Powerful Scoreboard System!
✦ Anti-Flicker Scoreboard!
✦ Customizable Scoreboard!
✦ 1.8 World Border Support!
✦ Shrinking, Speed, Size Configured World Border!
✦ Custom Kit System!
✦ Permission-based Kits!
✦ Auto breaking tree with leaves!
✦ All the message are configurable!
✦ Stats (wins, kills, death, and more)!
✦ MySQL Stats
✦ Custom motd for different state of the game!
✦ Deathmatch system!
✦ Custom Deathmatch Arena!
✦ Deathmatch Worldborder!
✦ Custom Deathmatch World!
✦ Lobby Schematic System! (place a diamond block for spawn point)
✦ Reward command system for kill and win!
✦ Bungee Re-join Features!
✦ Health in tab!
✦ Spectator System!
✦ Chat system! (Global, Team, Spectator)
✦ Head regeneration!
✦ Golden apple craft with head!
✦ Custom timers to start PVP and reducing borders and deathmatch!
✦ UHCRun features configurable!
✦ Server restart at the end of the game!
✦ Force start the game with /game forcestart
✦ Rejoin feature to help with crashes!
✦ Golden Apple crafting!
✦ Auto updating config file!
✦ Custom Permissions!
✦ Spectator Mode!
✦ Back to lobby!
✦ Loot configuration!
✦ Chat formatting!
✦ Placeholders in scoreboard!
✦ Item to lobby!
✦ Global Chat
✦ Hub command!
✦ Heal event!
✦ Biome Overwriting! (No oceans!)
✦ Eternal Day!
✦ Configurable Messages! (Over 100 lines!)
✦ Custom drops!
✦ Auto-fill Teams!
✦ Speed Event!
✦ Bonus Files; readme.pdf, changelog.pdf, lobby.schematic, bukkit.yml, spigot.yml!
✦ Review Giveaways!
✦ Best support Spigot can offer!:D
✦ Anti-Piracy/Code Injector system!
✦ PlaceholderAPI hook!
✦ And much more... Fully configurable.. See in file configuration!

✦ /game start: Start the game with countdown
✦ /game forcestart: Start the game without countdown
✦ /game revive <playerName>: Revive a player
✦ /stat <playerName>: See the stat of a player!

Permission: game.admin
This permission let you see the spectator chat, give you access to /game command, you can also talk with player that are in game when you're in spectator



Config Files:
Biomes.yml | Click Here
Chat.yml | Click Here
Config.yml | Click Here
Economy.yml | Click Here
Generation.yml | Click Here
Kits.yml | Click Here
Lang.yml | Click Here
Loot.yml | Click Here
MySQL.yml | Click Here
Scoreboard.yml | Click Here
Team.yml | Click Here
Timer.yml | Click Here










Official Test Server
Coming Soon!


UHCReloaded offers basically the best support possible. We offer support in 3 Languages which are English, Spanish, and French. We also provide support in 3 different places in which we are very active on. I can say as a buyer of a lot of premium plugins on spigot we offer one of the best support on spigot!
Remember only use support from here!
Click here for Private Message Support!
Click here for Spigot Discussion Page
Click here for Discord Support!

Click here to report a bug



Reviews are one of the most important things to a developer so we are very happy to get reviews and we thank you everyone that done one!


Please note that by buying this plugin you agree to the following!
1 - You are not allowed to -Redacted- this plugin
2 - You may not decompile/modify the code, without permissions.
3 - Only use it for your server/network!
4 - We can block your access to the plugin if you break one of these three rules
5 - No stupid reviews, such as (Its missing features! or the dev isn't adding features I request) Because the features are on the main page! and you knew them before purchasing, so no complaining!
6- No refunds
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