Native Minecraft Version:1.17
Tested Minecraft Versions:
1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18
Languages Supported:
EVERYTHING is translatable. Pre-translated: English (en-US)
With upgradeable spawners you can level your spawners and buy mob types. You can define unlimited levels and configurable upgrades. Spawners are managed in a useful GUI menu. Also you can limit the amount of spawners and entities.
Features List:
Upgradeable hoppers plugin - Link containers (click)
Farming Plugin - Create automated Farms (Click)
Quick start:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18
Languages Supported:
EVERYTHING is translatable. Pre-translated: English (en-US)
With upgradeable spawners you can level your spawners and buy mob types. You can define unlimited levels and configurable upgrades. Spawners are managed in a useful GUI menu. Also you can limit the amount of spawners and entities.
Features List:
- Create unlimited Spawners
- Unlimited amount (configurable)
- Unlimited levels (configurable)
- Spawn every entity (configurable)
- Best performance you can get
- Optimised entity spawn (l to improve your servers performance
- This plugin makes live scans to optimise performance
- Keeps database access as low as possible
- No performance lasting database queries
- Fast checks through key optimising
- Data optimising
- It's designed to use as less space as possible at your database server
- Easy configuration, but still many options
- Config with in-build explanation
- Configure Economy
- Vault economy supported
- Inbuilt item economy
- Configure full GUI
- Edit EVERY item
- Edit title
- Edit lore
- Edit material (item)
- Edit EVERY title
- Many options to customise your experience
- Language fully configurable
- Edit EVERY message your players will see
- Send messages as a chat message and / or title and / or action-bar
- GUI Interface
- NO commands needed
- Everything is available in a nice GUI
- Very easy to understand and use
- Upgrade menu
- Upgrade different types of abilities for your spawner
- Level system
- Economy support
- Holograms
- Useful holograms to display stats and information about each spawner
- This can be disabled in the config
- Various options to ensure the highest Performance
- Our config contains options with which you can let the plugin make detect big collections of entities. It can then limit the spawners in these areas, that it doesn't get too crowded. (optional)
- Limit spawners by a max entity amount per configurable period (optional)
- Economy
- Vault support
- Item economy
- Experience economy
- You can choose what you want.
- Trust players to use your spawner (Work in progress)
- Assign roles to players
- Set role restrictions (For example allow them to upgrade and kill entities)
- Multiple database Types
- SQLite (Requires nothing; Everyone can use it)
- Supports Claim/Skyblock Plugins
- All claim or skyblock plugins support that farms can not be placed in claimed areas where the player is not trusted. The listed plugins below just provide special features.
- Currently supported:
- Lands
- SuperiorSkyblock2
- BentoBox
- Currently supported:
- All claim or skyblock plugins support that farms can not be placed in claimed areas where the player is not trusted. The listed plugins below just provide special features.
- Import spawners from other plugins (/USpawners admin import). Currently supported:
- EpicSpawners
- Wiki:
- Config:
- Commands:
- Permissions:
- Languages (pre-translated):
Upgradeable hoppers plugin - Link containers (click)
Farming Plugin - Create automated Farms (Click)
Quick start:
- Get the spawner item via /Spawner get or /Spawner give
- Place it on the ground
- Right click: upgrade
- Left click (config: or silktouch): delete
- Java 8 or higher is required
- About to post a review? If you have issues please do NOT post them as a review. If you have any sort of issues, questions or suggestions feel free to PM me. I will answer soon as possible. Also Discord is a very fast way to get in contact. Bugs are mostly fixed on the same day of report, so report before anything else.