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While none of these plugins actually have an API, in vNitrogen I am using the setPlayerColor(), setTargetColor(), setPlayerPrefix() and setTargetPrefix() for setting the displaynames of players throughout the other 3 cores.
This is an important feature. For commands in vBasic such as /heal, /feed, /teleport, /broadcast, there are staff alerts that notify online staff what action a player is doing. However, this isn't just in the vBasic plugin. As I said earlier, vStaffUtils is dependant on vBasic. So, if you have staff alerts toggled, whenever a player vanishes, modmodes, buildmodes, freezes, or anything like that, it also triggers the staff alert notification. All staff alert messages customizable through the config.yml.
Since vBungee is a bit of a wildcard among the mix, I should explain it properly here. Back when VoleMC originally released, i had a skript "bungeecord" type plugin that separated the worlds. This produced an identical effect to what a bungeecord proxy does, except only one one server, not on multiple, and without a proxy. It was actually very bad when I made it in skript, so I remade this in Java, and will be using this on VectroMC, and VoleMC if this ever starts up again.
- /setrank
- /grant
- /ungrant
- /grants
- /staffchat
- /adminchat
- /managementchat
- /buildchat
- /sct
- /act
- /mct
- /bct
- /warn
- /mute <-s>
- /unmute <-s>
- /ban <-s>
- /unban <-s>
- /kick <-s>
- /tempmute <-s>
- /tempban <-s>
- /blacklist <-s>
- /alts
- /history
- /punish
- /user <list/add/remove> [permission]
- /rank <list/add/remove> [permission]
- A chat formatting listener, that formats the prefixes of the ranks (customizable in the config.yml) to be shown in chat.
- Staff login/logout events, to notify the other online staff.
- Staff world change events, to notify the other online staff.
- Listeners for the toggles of all of the different chats, as well as listeners for the starter prefixes for these chats. E.x, to talk in staff chat, you can just type "# HeLlo", or for admin chat, "@ Hello".
- A join listener for banned players, that either expires or refreshes a temporary ban from it's time, as well as preventing banned players from joining.
- A blacklist join listener, that checks if the player who joined's IP address is the same as blacklisted player's IP address, and if it is, it links the joined player to that blacklist of the main account.
- GUI Click listeners that prevent moving items in the /grants and /history commands.
- A mute listener, that either expires or refhreses a temporary mute, as well as preventing muted players from talking.
- Player log events that update the player's rank upon join, and logs their IP address into the punishments.yml file, so that if they are an alt account of another player that has played the server, it notifies staff.
While none of these plugins actually have an API, in vNitrogen I am using the setPlayerColor(), setTargetColor(), setPlayerPrefix() and setTargetPrefix() for setting the displaynames of players throughout the other 3 cores.
- /buildmode
- /vanish [player]
- /modmode [player]
- /report
- /freeze
- /invsee
- Modmode item listeners, for when you use certain items.
- Vanish updaters, such as keeping a vanished player vanished when they log out/log back in the server, and when other players log out and back in, etc.
- Modmode prohibiters, to prevent people in modmode from pvping, etc.
- Freeze listeners, to prevent frozen players from moving, pvping, building, etc.
- Reports GUI listeners & report custom reason listeners, pretty self explanatory, they just create the functionality of the /report command.
- Vanish Ticker. This hides everone in the Vanished ArrayList from all online players, every 1/2 of a second.
- Freeze Cooldown. This prevents staff from spamming the freeze item in modmode.
- /broadcast
- /feed [player]
- /heal [player]
- /gamemode [player] (as well as other subcommands)
- /teleport [player]
- /tphere
- /tpall
- /togglestaffalerts (! IMPORTANT !)
- /msg
- /reply
- /togglemessages
- /togglemessagesounds
- /toggleglobalchat
- /settings
- /fly [player]
- /speed [player]
- /sudo <message/command>
- /balance [player]
- /economy <give/take/set/reset> [amount]
- /pay
- /bounty
- /stats [player]
- /resetstats
- /clear
- /itemname
- Player log listeners, where you can set custom join messages through the config.yml.
- Chat listeners, so that if you have global chat disabled, you are not able to see anyone chat, and you are not able to chat yourself.
- Settings GUI click listeners, that way when you click an item in the settings GUI, it toggles that selection.
- Player kill listener that listens for when a player kills someone, if the killed person is bountied, the killer gets that bounty. As well as this, if money per kill (config.yml) is enabled, it will give the killer some money for their kill, even if the person is not bountied.
- Player death/kill listener, that updates the killer and player's stats. This includes kills, deaths, KDR, and streak.
- World change listeners / player log listeners that initiate players's stat/economy data if they are not currently stored.
This is an important feature. For commands in vBasic such as /heal, /feed, /teleport, /broadcast, there are staff alerts that notify online staff what action a player is doing. However, this isn't just in the vBasic plugin. As I said earlier, vStaffUtils is dependant on vBasic. So, if you have staff alerts toggled, whenever a player vanishes, modmodes, buildmodes, freezes, or anything like that, it also triggers the staff alert notification. All staff alert messages customizable through the config.yml.
- /list
- /togglescoreboard
- /vscoreboard
- Player join listener that sets the scoreboard initially.
- Command listener that transfers /list to /onlineplayers
- The scoreboard runnable that refreshes the scoreboard.
- Added a runnable that sets player's nametags. I've been wanting to do this for a while, and finally figured it out.
- Added a healthbar runnable, that displays player's health under their nametag. Also been wanting to do this for a while.
Since vBungee is a bit of a wildcard among the mix, I should explain it properly here. Back when VoleMC originally released, i had a skript "bungeecord" type plugin that separated the worlds. This produced an identical effect to what a bungeecord proxy does, except only one one server, not on multiple, and without a proxy. It was actually very bad when I made it in skript, so I remade this in Java, and will be using this on VectroMC, and VoleMC if this ever starts up again.
- /server [server]
- /send
- /find
- /glist [showall/current]
- /hub
- Player log listener that sends the user to the hub
- Chat listener that separates the chats by world, producing a similar effect to bungeecord chat if enabled in the config.yml.
- Player hider runnable. This is what actually hides the players if they are in a different world, which produces an effet extremely similar to bungeecord.