⭐ VEGAS ⭐ CASINO PLUGIN ► 13 GAME MODES [1.12 - 1.19]

EXCLUSIVE SpigotVIP ⭐ VEGAS ⭐ CASINO PLUGIN ► 13 GAME MODES [1.12 - 1.19] 1.12.2-1.20.2

Native Minecraft Version:1.13Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19
Contributors:MyShimadoLanguages Supported:English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Polish


Hello everyone. This plugin is designed for various types of servers and adds 14 GUI MINIGAMES. All minigames have their own special mechanics, their own prize boosters and bonuses.
The balance of game modes is optimized and made so that the player can play for a long time with one amount, in other words, winning and losing. But if you want, you can edit this params in config.
You can play in the casino only with the chips of this plugin, which can be bought in the main menu. Plugin uses vault economy!
Left click - buy, Right click with chips on the cursor - sell.

Money, when a player loses, goes to the account of the city, or is taken from there if he wins. can be turned on and off.

Money, when a player loses, goes to the account of the owner of the table, or is taken from there if he wins. Can be enabled and disabled. The owner cannot play at his table.

SQL Statistics of all wins, losses and total balance. To do this, specify the database parameters in the config. Soon there will be support for placeholderAPI for issuing statistics on the server.

Ability to change icons to any material, including heads. Ability to add textures from the resource pack to items. All text in modes can be changed. Lots of languages!

There are 14 modes in the main menu. And immediately 3 variations of chips that you can buy. A certain table can be set to have only one game. You can disable the game in the config and then it will not be displayed. Or set up role-playing games so that, for example, a VIP can only play poker. You can set the menu to open with a command.
(If photo doesnt load - View: https://i.imgur.com/82a98xE.gif


- Choose the mode on the right:
EASY - Booster x3, Chance to win is high. Worth the standard
MIDDLE - Boost x6, Chance to win medium.
HARD - Amplifier x10, The chance to win is low.
You place a bet, press the lever and wait for the roulette wheel to stop. If the roulette stops at 3, 6, 9 hours, then you will receive a bonus booster. If the roulette stops for 12 hours, then the bet is multiplied by the coefficient of the selected mode.
For 1 player
(If gif doesnt load - View: https://i.imgur.com/RWthkUy.gif

⭐ DARTS - Place your bet, press the lever and the game begins! You have unlimited time and you need to knock out 5 goals (except for the creeper heads). If you miss or hit anything other than the head, the game will end. If successful, you will receive an x3 booster. If you click on a rare dragon head, the game will end and you will get x10.
For 1 player
(If gif doesnt load - View: https://i.imgur.com/M9U9T9n.gif


⭐ DRUMS - Place a bet and press any of the levers. You will start scrolling the drum. After a while, the drum will stop and if there is one of the combinations on the display, then you will receive the corresponding booster of your bet, and if it consists of dragon heads, then the booster is multiplied by another 5. There can be several combinations on the screen.
For 1 player

► 2x2
► 5x1 off center
► 5x1 in the center
► 1x5
► oblique line
► Two lines oblique
► 5x5
(If gif doesnt load - View: https://i.imgur.com/wq5xRYM.gif


⭐ RACES - Place a bet, choose a horse, press one of the levers. The countdown begins, after which the race will begin! After some time, the horses will come to the finish line, and if your horse is the first, then the bet booster will be x3.
For 1 player
(If gif doesnt load - View: https://i.imgur.com/UGMsHkM.gif


⭐ PYRAMID - Bet from above and the game begins! Head randomly falls down. If she hits the dynamite, the game is over! If the head reaches the 3rd hole, then you booster will be x3. If you meet a golden star along the way and you hit it, then the booster will be x20.
For 1 player
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/BR77wNH.gif)


⭐ STAIRS - Place your bet and press the lever to start the game! You need to click on any highlighted block. By clicking, you can get on dynamite, then the game will end and you will receive an amplifier of the previous open line, otherwise, this line and its amplifier will open for you and you can try to open another one higher.
For 1 player
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/cwFGZII.gif)


⭐ LOTTERY - Place a bet and press the lever to start the game! You are given 5 clicks. Each press opens either the amplifier or nothing! At the end of the game (after 5 moves), your bet is multiplied by the highest open odds!
For 1 player
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/vHP0kWr.gif)


⭐ CRASH - Mini Mode for 7 players at once! You need to place a bet and place on one of any of the barriers. Then you need to wait for the game to start. The coefficient grows from 0 to 25 and can fall at any time. Therefore, you need to withdraw your bet on time before the counter collapses.
For 1-7 players
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/O6cmPRr.gif)


⭐ CLASSIC - A crash-like mode. But in this case, whoever bets higher has a higher chance of winning. If you made a bet of 10 coins, and other players for 1000 or more, then there are chances of winning, but they are very low!
For 2-7 players
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/01KO9XB.gif)

⭐ BLACKJACK - Your goal is to score 21 points, or more than the rest of the players and the dealer. You can play as one against the bot, and three + bot.You can draw cards, pass, double your bet, and exit on time and take back a part of your bet!
For 1-3 players
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/wUy167d.gif)


⭐ ROCK, PAPER AND SCISSORS - The object of the game is to win several rounds by choosing different game pieces. Stone, Scissors, Paper, Well, Fire, Wood. A certain figure beats another. Bets must be 80% similar to start the game.
For 2 players
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/pnXa8Rn.gif)

⭐ TIC TAC TOE - One of the popular modes. The crosses go first. You need to knock out one of 3 positions, which is the line.
For 2 players
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/Nh9jrLc.gif)

⭐ DEAD MAN'S CHEST - You are given 3 cases, 3 heaps each. One case contains prize money, an amplifier and an item. The end of the game can also fall out, or the player's balance can be completely reset. You have 3 moves, you can open one case and knock out all 3 items, or open it in any order and knock out, for example, several amplifiers.
For 1 player
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/S9n7NkK.gif)

⭐ POKER - Your goal is to collect one of the combinations.That help you win. You are given 2 cards and during the game, 5 more cards are put on the table. You can increase the bet, support it, or pass. No chips required!
For 1-3 players
(If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/QBmSL0Q.gif)

When installed, the table has 6 types of design. Each of them has certain animations, different animation materials.
THUNDER (If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/b275TgM.gif)
TRENT (If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/DEyNOLk.gif)
ETHEREUM (If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/qGrZXqP.gif)
MYSTICAL (If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/cHteDdV.gif)
VOLCANIC (If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/JvDKm81.gif)
LEPRECHAUN (If gif doesnt load - https://i.imgur.com/aBpXSmT.gif)












Code (YAML):
#░███████╗ ██╗░░░██╗███████╗░██████╗░░█████╗░░██████╗ ░███████╗
#██╔██╔══╝ ██║░░░██║██╔════╝██╔════╝░██╔══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔██╔══╝
#╚██████╗░ ╚██╗░██╔╝█████╗░░██║░░██╗░███████║╚█████╗░ ╚██████╗░
#░╚═██╔██╗ ░╚████╔╝░██╔══╝░░██║░░╚██╗██╔══██║░╚═══██╗ ░╚═██╔██╗
#███████╔╝ ░░╚██╔╝░░███████╗╚██████╔╝██║░░██║██████╔╝ ███████╔╝
#╚══════╝░ ░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░ ╚══════╝░

#Hello. This is a configuration file. Here you can change values and messages
#You can change some params, icons, chances here!
#This is a premium plugin!
#Discord support - https://discord.gg/Aa9GHSzwDC!
#Creator - MyShimado - https://www.spigotmc.org/members/myshimado.1240004/

Version: Brigitte v.7

#You can edit block of casino table. By the way - enderchest, chest are perfect blocks
#You can add common blocks, but you will need to edit Armor Stand Move Y to get good one.

Casino block: 'ENDER_CHEST'
Armor Stand Move Y: 0

#Languages: en, ru, fr, de

Language: 'en'
Send message to op (discord support): true
Send victory message: false

MySQL enable: false
Vault database:
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: db
user: username
password: password

#CHIPS - You need Vault + Economy plugin
#Set it decimal

Chip 1 price: 100.0
Chip 2 price: 1000.0
Chip 3 price: 10000.0
Sell chips with a right click: true

#POSITIONS FULL MENU - SLOTS: 0..35,39,40,41. If you want to disable slot: -1
#For Example - Chip 1 slot: 47 or Chip 1 slot: -1

Hide the game icon in the menu when no access rights are available: false
Pane slots: '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35'
Chip 1 slot: 39
Chip 2 slot: 40
Chip 3 slot: 41
Roulette position: 10
Darts position: 11
Drum position: 12
Races position: 13
Pyramid position: 14
Stairs position: 15
Lottery position: 16
Crash position: 19
Classic position: 20
BlackJack position: 21
RockPaperScissors position: 22
TicTacToe position: 23
DeadMansChest position: 24
Poker position: 25

#POSITIONS MENU FOR ONE GAME - SLOTS: 0..26,30,31,32. If you want to disable slot: -1
#For Example - Chip 1 slot: 47 or Chip 1 slot: -1

Pane slots one game: '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26'
Chip 1 slot one game: 30
Chip 2 slot one game: 31
Chip 3 slot one game: 32
Game slot one game: 13

#Chance - 0...100 - chance that if the scrolling goes over the ending, the game will be won

Roulette icon head allow: false
Roulette icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'
Roulette icon: 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK'
Roulette chanсe easy: 35
Roulette chanсe medium: 25
Roulette chanсe hard: 15
Roulette drop X easy: 3
Roulette drop X medium: 6
Roulette drop X hard: 10
Roulette Little Prise 1 drop X: 0.6
Roulette Little Prise 2 drop X: 1
Roulette Little Prise 3 drop X: 1.5
Roulette Speed: 10


Darts icon head allow: false
Darts icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'
Darts icon: 'BOW'
Darts Speed: 12
Darts drop X: 3
Darts dragon drop X: 10


Drum icon head allow: false
Drum icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'
Drum icon: 'GOLD_NUGGET'
Drum CUBE drop X: 3.5
Drum Horizontal Line drop X: 6
Drum Horizontal Center Line drop X: 25
Drum Vertical Line drop X: 10
Drum Obliquely Line drop X: 10
Drum 2 Obliquely Lines (Cross) drop X: 50
Drum Full 25 drop X: 100
Drum Dragon drop X: 5


Races icon head allow: false
Races icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'
Races drop X: 3


Pyramid icon head allow: false
Pyramid icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'
Pyramid icon: 'ICE'
Pyramid drop X: 3
Pyramid Star drop X: 20
Pyramid main blocks: 'ICE'
Pyramid main ball skin url: '88662ba0708e8d60d56365ec2bc00ff1792f16634fc845a843a84de081ea4f'


Stairs icon head allow: false
Stairs icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'
Stairs icon: 'LADDER'
Stairs drop 1 level: 0.3
Stairs drop 2 level: 0.5
Stairs drop 3 level: 0.8
Stairs drop 4 level: 1.5
Stairs drop 5 level: 3
Stairs drop 6 level: 5


Lottery icon head allow: false
Lottery icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'
Lottery icon: 'BLAZE_POWDER'


Crash icon head allow: false
Crash icon head: 'cfce7eac2e1f65cd13a4bdaf01acbb8b4bc620eb413c875f044b41632f2a1c6d'


Classic icon head allow: true
Classic icon head: 'f509de981a786a980b0bc871ad855b20ce0b701b7a2df14cfff6b3a6e4529723'
Classic icon: 'DIAMOND_PICKAXE'


BlackJack icon head allow: true
BlackJack icon head: '8bad26ccb4f8937ffcfe9e0ef49b7cea7672c98f68ead7f8f901a22349029301'
BlackJack icon: 'CHEST'

BlackJack Hit icon: '6ccbf9883dd359fdf2385c90a459d737765382ec4117b04895ac4dc4b60fc'
BlackJack Stay icon: 'IRON_BARS'
BlackJack Stop icon: 'TNT'
BlackJack Double icon: 'ANVIL'
BlackJack Leave icon: 'CLOCK'
BlackJack Dealer Chance to hit 19 - 21 points: 40
BlackJack Dealer Bet Coefficient: 1.5
BlackJack Leave Percent: 30


RockPaperScissors icon head allow: false
RockPaperScissors icon head: ''
RockPaperScissors icon: 'PAPER'

RockPaperScissors Rock icon: 'STONE'
RockPaperScissors Paper icon: 'PAPER'
RockPaperScissors Scissors icon: 'SHEARS'
RockPaperScissors Well icon: 'WATER_BUCKET'
RockPaperScissors Fire icon: 'BLAZE_POWDER'
RockPaperScissors Timer icon: 'CLOCK'
RockPaperScissors Tree icon: 'OAK_SAPLING'
RockPaperScissors Number of Rounds: 3


TicTacToe icon head allow: true
TicTacToe icon head: '1d1a3c96562348527d5798f291609281f72e16d611f1a76c0fa7abe043665'
TicTacToe icon: 'ARROW'


DeadMansChest icon head allow: false
DeadMansChest icon head: ''
DeadMansChest icon: 'CHEST'

DeadMansChest minimal price of bet for start game: 1000.0
DeadMansChest minimal balance for start game: 10000.0
DeadMansChest Level 1 Chances:
Winnings: 20.0
Coefficient: 30.0
Items: 40.0
Losing: 10.0
Resetting the balance: 0.0
Minimum winnings rom a bet made (in percent): 20.5
Maximum winnings rom a bet made (in percent): 120.5
Minimum multiplication of prize money (coefficient): 0.1
Maximum multiplication of prize money (coefficient): 1.4
List of things that can be obtained and their chance:
DIAMOND(4): 10.0
EMERALD(3): 10.0
COAL(12): 30.0
DIRT(32): 30.0

DeadMansChest Level 2 Chances:
Winnings: 30.0
Coefficient: 30.0
Items: 20.0
Losing: 20.0
Resetting the balance: 0.0
Minimum winnings rom a bet made (in percent): 30.0
Maximum winnings rom a bet made (in percent): 140.5
Minimum multiplication of prize money (coefficient): 0.2
Maximum multiplication of prize money (coefficient): 1.5
List of things that can be obtained and their chance:
DIAMOND(12): 20.0
EMERALD(8): 20.0
COAL(64): 30.0
BEACON(1): 10.0
APPLE(64): 20.0

DeadMansChest Level 3 Chances:
Winnings: 30.0
Coefficient: 22.0
Items: 14.0
Losing: 34.0
Resetting the balance: 0.0
Minimum winnings rom a bet made (in percent): 50.5
Maximum winnings rom a bet made (in percent): 150.5
Minimum multiplication of prize money (coefficient): 0.5
Maximum multiplication of prize money (coefficient): 1.6
List of things that can be obtained and their chance:
DIAMOND(24): 10.0
EMERALD(20): 10.0
IRON_INGOT(32): 30.0
BEACON(2): 20.0

Poker head allow: true
Poker icon head: 'caa685ebb65420ba6eb808c715978e10edb1414ca783e0c702fef4af74aed113'
Poker icon: 'GOLD_INGOT'

Poker use bossbar: true
Poker use action bar: false
Poker minimum amount to start: 10000.0
#Done automatically by a random player
#Should be several times less than the minimum amount for the game.
Poker minimal bet: 1000.0

Poker raise icon: '58fe251a40e4167d35d081c27869ac151af96b6bd16dd2834d5dc7235f47791d'
Poker call icon: 'STONE_BUTTON'
Poker fold icon: 'IRON_DOOR'
Poker balance icon: 'SUNFLOWER'
Poker closed card: 'PAPER'


Change Color in Menus: true
Change Color Speed: 5
Spawn Glass on Casino Table: true
Spawn Particles on Casino Table: true
Spawn Drop on Casino Table: true
Drop Interval: 80
Number of Dropped Items: 10
Spawn FireWorks (Victory): false
Title in the center of the inventory: true
Disable copy chips in creative: false
Refund tokens when inventory is closed: false

#The money from the purchase of chips goes to the player's account designated as a bank account.
#When a player sells chips, money is withdrawn from the bank account. If there is no money in the account, the chips cannot be sold
#The player should have been on the server before
#Enter the player's nickname to activate.

Bank account nickname: ''

#If true, when the player places the table, all the money for the loss of the players goes to his account, if the player wins, his balance is reduced.
#You can specify the minimum balance of the owner for the player to start playing. The more - the less chance of dupes, etc.

Loss money goes to whoever set the table: false
Minimal balance of owner to start play: 10000.0
Code (YAML):
usage: /casino help
usage: /vegas help
description: Allows the player to play all games
description: Allows the player to play roulette
description: Allows the player to play darts
description: Allows the player to play drums
description: Allows the player to play races
description: Allows the player to play pyramid
description: Allows the player to play stairs
description: Allows the player to play lottery
description: Allows the player to play crash
description: Allows the player to play classic
description: Allows the player to play blackjack
description: Allows the player to play rock, paper and scissors
description: Allows the player to play tic tac toe
description: Allows the player to play tic tac toe
description: Allows the player to play poker
description: Allows the player to buy custom bet
description: Allows the player to open menu
description: Allows the player to open menu by command
description: Allows you to give chips by command
description: Allows the player to open games by command
description: Allows you to get a casino table
description: Allows you to get a casino table to another player

You need to install VAULT plugin and some economy plugin working with vault.

⇒ /casino create - Gives the player a table.
⇒ /casino create <player> - Gives the player a table.
⇒ /casino give <nick> <price> <amount> - Gives the player chips.
⇒ /casino game <game name> - Open minigame by command (for NPCs).
⇒ /casino bet <price> <amount> - Gives the player a custom coin with some price. (Dont change the 1 line in "Chip description" on messages.yml)
⇒ /casino sell - Sells all the chips in the inventory
⇒ /casino menu - Opens virtual main menu
⇒ /casino set game <game> - Assigns one game to the table

Code (YAML):


1) Plugin not working? Or are there errors in the console?

- Try deleting the config and the config with messages and check against default values. Often this is due to the fact that an erroneous value is indicated, or lines, a symbol, and so on are missing.

- If it doesn't work for you, try installing VAULT, Vegas and EssentialsX on your local server without any another plugin. If in this case everything works, then some other plugin is interfering with the work.

- If that doesn't work, write to Discord.

2) Does the plugin use items as tokens?

- No. In the plugin, you buy chips for the balance. This is a sunflower with an NBT tag that you can pick up. You put chips and you can sell them.

3) Does not open a table for regular players, but everything works for admins.

- Add casino.menu и casino.all (or casino.roulette, casino.darts, casino.drums and etc).

- If that doesn't help, another plugin is interfering. For many players, this was a plugin for multiworlds.

4) How to sell chips through NPC?

- Buy a chip in the menu - put it on sale to NPCs. This is a regular item protected by a tag.

5) How to set the game on the table? Or it doesn't work.

- Stand 1 block away and look at the table. Enter the command /casino set game darts and the table is set to darts. If the command does not implement - restart the plugin by plugman.

6) The restart command does not work well.

- In the plugin, in addition to cycles, there are game sessions, so this cannot be solved by simply updating variables. In addition, there is a plugman plugin that almost everyone has.

7) I installed the game on the table, broke it and installed it again. Now this is a table for all games.

- Yes, it is!

8) Works for Mohist?

- No, only spigot, paper, purpur and etc.

9) Strange symbols in stone paper scissors on fire card.

- There is a fire icon. It is displayed depending on the operating system. For some, it turns into a set of numbers. Just replace in the message config with any other.

10) New Features

- I add things to the plugin that are primarily needed for my server. Or the ideas that were suggested and I like them. I do not add new modes. Everything else, I add for payment.

✅ DISCORD SUPPORT ✅ - https://discord.gg/Aa9GHSzwDC
Extention type
File size
2.3 MB
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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  1. 1.12.2-1.20.2

  2. 1.12-1.20.1

  3. Patched Version
