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This backpack works with TokenEnchant / AutoSell / InventoryFull. Mined/exploded blocks are automatically stored in the backpack, and AutoSell commands will check contents of backpacks as well as the player inventory!!!

This plugin provides a virtual backpack. A player can have multiple backpacks. Each backpack can be accessed through a command or a key item. You can customise what item to represent a key in config.yml.

Test Server:
  • testserver.vk2gpz.com.
Commands: (alias: vkbp, bp, backpack)
  • /vkbackpack help : display the help menu.
  • /vkbackpack reload : reloads config.yml.
  • /vkbackpack give <player> <size> [backpack_name] : issue a backpack of size <size> to <player>.
  • /vkbackpack open <backpack_name> : opens the backpack called <backpack_name>
  • /vkbackpack key <name> : get a key to open your backpack named as <name>.
  • /vkbackpack list : get a list of your backpacks.
  • /vkbackpack setmax <player> <max> : sets the maximum number of backpacks <player> can have to <max>.
  • /vkbackpack rename <oldname> <newname> : rename the backpack from <oldname> to <newname>.
  • /vkbackpack remove <name> : throw away <name> backpack.
  • /vkbackpack release : flags the backpack to be released/traded.
  • /vkbackpack claim : claim the backpack associated with the key you're holding. If it's someone else's backpack, it will become yours.
  • vkbackpack.admin : allows you to use reload, give, setmax commands
  • vkbackpack.use : allows you to use key, list commands
  • vkbackpack.open : allows you to use /bp open command to open a backpack
  • vkbackpack.rename : allows you to rename your backpack
  • vkbackpack.trade : allows you to use /bp release|claim command to trade your backpack.

Install VKBackPack.jar in the plugins folder.

Work with:

For Developers:
You can access VKBackPack's backpack/inventory management methods through its public methods:

License: Please read this prior to your purchase.

Latest reviews

Fix link pls :(
link is removed..
Link is removed, sadly.
Hey dude!

Can I have teh VKBackPack plugin leaked?
I would be realy glad if you can send it for me, somewhere, dropbox, google drive, etc.
Cause the link you had provided is expired, No reason specified.

Thanks alot

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