Resource icon
Player Commands:
Display the amount of votes needed for the next VoteParty.
Admin Commands:
All admin commands require the permission: voteparty.admin
/vp setcounter <votesneeded>
Set the vote counter to need x amount of votes for the next VoteParty.
/vp startparty
Force start a VoteParty for all online players.
/vp givecrate <player> <amount>
Give a specific player x amount of VoteParty crates that will execute random reward commands when right clicked.
(this command is only available if use_crate: true)
/vp giveparty <player>
Give a specific player a private VoteParty.
/vp reload
reload the VoteParty config.yml
/vp reload requires the permission: voteparty.reload
When you install VoteParty for the first time, a config.yml file will be generated inside of the /plugins/VoteParty/ folder.
Edit this file to your liking and use /vp reload to update any changes made