►►Vouchers◄◄ || Give your Players Vouchers in Crates, Prizes, and For just being Good.

 ►►Vouchers◄◄ || Give your Players Vouchers in Crates, Prizes, and For just being Good. v1.5.4

►►Vouchers◄◄ || Give your Players Vouchers in Crates, Prizes, and For just being Good.


Welcome to Vouchers. This plugin will allow you to set Commands to a piece of paper or what ever item you choose. When the Player right clicks it gives runs that command for them. This is vary useful for Prizes, Crates, and for just giving someone something. You create the Voucher in the Config.yml and then the player can use the vouchers.

Please Rate this so I know what you think and so other players can see your Thoughts.


Voucher.Admin - Is the Perm for all Commands.
Voucher.Bypass - To bypass the Voucher Limiter.
/Voucher Help - Lists all the Commands for Vouchers.
/Voucher Redeem <Code> - Allows player to redeem a Voucher Code.
/Voucher Give <Type> [Amount] [Player] [Argument] - Gives a Player a Voucher.
/Voucher Reload - Reloadeds the Config.yml.


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Done: Voucher Codes 1 time use, Multiple Time Use and Unlimited Time Use.
Done: Add Custom Lore.
Taking Ideas in the Discussions Tab.

Default Config.yml
Code (Text):
#Please use These Arguments
#For the Player who uses the Voucher %Player%
#Use %Arg% for your Arguments
#%Arg% is the First Line on the Voucher
#Command /Voucher <Type> <Argument>
#Money would be the <Type>
#So if you do /Voucher &a&lMoney &6$1000
#Money is the Type and $1000 is the %Arg%
VoucherName: '&7&l>>&a&lMoney Voucher&7&l<<' #The Custom name of the Voucher Item
Lore: #Have a custom lore for your Vouchers
- '&3You have won &6$%Arg%&3.'
- '&6P.S. &eDont spend it all in one place'
#Command will be the Command Fired to the Player.
- 'Eco give %Player% %Arg%'
- 'broadcast &4%player% &3has just won &6$%arg%'
#Message is the Message sent to the player when they Use the Voucher.
Message: '&3You have Won &6$%Arg%'
#The type of Item the Voucher Will Be.
VoucherType: '339'
#If the it checks if the Player has permission to use the Voucher.
VoucherPermOn/Off: true
#The Voucher's Perm Voucher.<VoucherPerm>
VoucherPerm: Money
#Turn on an off the Limiter.
VoucherLimitToggle: false
#The Limit of how many times a player can use it.
VoucherLimit: 10
#Turn on and off the sound when the voucher is used.
SoundToggle: true
#1.8 sounds are found here: http://docs.codelanx.com/Bukkit/1.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html
#1.9 sounds are found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
Sound: 'UI_BUTTON_CLICK' #This is a 1.9 sound. Make sure to change it to CLICK if you are on 1.8
VoucherName: '&7&l>>&5&lRankUp Voucher&7&l<<'
- '&c&lRight click to Rank Up.'
- '&4&lRank &7&l>> &e&l%Arg%'
- 'Pex user %Player% group set %Arg%'
Message: '&3You have Ranked Up to &c%Arg%&3.'
VoucherType: '339'
VoucherPermOn/Off: false
VoucherPerm: RankUp
VoucherLimitToggle: false
VoucherLimit: 10
SoundToggle: true
Default VoucherCodes.yml
Code (Text):
IamAVoucherCode: #The Voucher Code.
Enabled/Disabled: True
Commands: #Commands run when used. Delete if you don't want to use any commands.
- 'Give %Player% stone 23'
Messages: #The message given to a player when they redeem the code. Delete if you don't want to use a message.
- '&5Congrads on redeeming the code %Code% %Player%.'
BroadCasts: #The broadcast when the voucher is used. Delete if you don't want to use a broadcast.
- '&6&l%Player% &3has just used the code IAmAVoucherCode!!!'
Limited: False #If false then anyone can use it. If true then only a specified amount can use it.
CodesLeft: 10 #The amount of times the code can be used.
VoucherPermOn/Off: True #If the it checks if the Player has permission to use the Voucher.
VoucherPerm: IAmAVoucherPerm #The Voucher's Perm Voucher.<VoucherPerm>
SoundToggle: True #Turn on and off the sound when the code is used.
#1.8 sounds are found here: http://docs.codelanx.com/Bukkit/1.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html
#1.9 sounds are found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
Sound: 'UI_BUTTON_CLICK' #This is a 1.9 sound. Make sure to change it to CLICK

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link not work
I Would rate the plugin, but the link is broken :(
link is down

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