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1.6.2 is optimized for Spigot 1.10.2 but will work on all versions from 1.7 to 1.11.2

~ ~ Video Showcase ~ ~

Please post your problems in the discussion area before writing a bad review. Most problems are caused by personal mistakes and when there's a feature missing, you can suggest it and I will add it to the plugin.

WeaponsPlus introduces an expanding set of new weapons that can be used for tons of gamemodes! Every single weapon has it's own unique ability and custom recipe, you can also modify almost every single aspect of each item such as name, lore, attack damage, material and more! You can also disable any item you do not want and change the messages!

The plugin comes with permissions and easy commands to get the weapons! This plugin was inspired by my other plugin ArmorPlus which has been a great success and expanded vastly.

Take a look at ArmorPlus here:


The plugin currently adds 8 new swords/melee weapons:
  1. Blinding Sword: This sword blinds your foes when hit! You can configure the blinding modifier and duration in the config!
  2. Booze Sword: This sword makes your foes dizzy when they are hit! You can configure the confusion modifier and duration in the config!
  3. Fiery Sword: This sword sets your foes on fire for a specified time in the config! It doesn't need any enchantment at all!
  4. LifeSteal Sword: This magical sword heals you when you hit a foe! You can configure how much health is regenerated in the config!
  5. Piercing Sword: This sword pierces through armor and ignores it! Meaning that you will deal the same amount of damage if someone wears armor or not! You can set how much damage is dealt each time in the config!
  6. Poison Sword: This sword stings your opponents with a poison effect! The duration and modifier can be configured in the config!
  7. PorkChop Sword: This sword regenerates some of your food bars when you hit someone! Never get hungry during battle again! Set the amount in the config!
  8. Dagger: Cheaper to make, less damage, but still a pretty cool weapon! You can configure which material you want to use (that material will also be used in the recipe!)

The plugin currently adds in 6 staffs: (a LOT more coming soon!)
  1. TnT Staff: Right click with this staff to create an explosion where you clicked! The max distance and explosion intensity can be set in the config! You can also add in an optional cooldown!
  2. Lightning Staff: Right click with this staff to strike lightning at the block you looked at! The max distance can be set in the config and you can add in an optional cooldown!
  3. Electric Staff: Right click this staff to send nearby entities flying! All the entities (including players) will be knocked back! Useful to get rid of a lot of heat!
  4. Ice Staff: Right click to launch a snowball, when the snowball hits a player that player will be slowed down so much that they can't move anymore! Configurable velocity and freeze time!
  5. Swap Staff: Right click to launch an enderpearl. When the enderpearl hits a mob you and the mob will swap positions! Kinda like a 2-way enderpearl! This also works on players and you can set in the config if you only want it to work for players!
  6. *NEW* Healing Staff: Right click with this staff to turn some of your food into health! By default this staff will take 6 food levels from you and give you 6 health levels! You can change these values in the config. Comes with an optional cooldown.

The plugin currently adds in 4 new bows: (More coming soon!)
  1. Pace Bow: Shoot really far and fast with this bow! You can set how far and fast the bow shoots in the config!
  2. Multi Bow: This bow shoots a barrage of arrows! It is a shotbow which shoots multiple arrows, you can set how many arrows it shoots in the config!
  3. Tnt Bow: This bow uses 1 arrow and 1 tnt to shoot out primed tnt! You can set the impact and the amount of tnt used in the config!
  4. *New* AutoBow: This bow shoots arrows extremely fast! It's a bow-machinegun! Rapid fire arrows really quickly! You can also define the time between each shot and you can set the amount of ammo required!

Other (Throwables, guns and more):

Currently, there are 3 'special' items. More are coming soon!
  1. Grenade, Throw a grenade by right clicking it and after a set amount of seconds it will explode! You can set the explosion intensity and time in the config!
  2. *NEW* RailGun: When aiming and shooting at a mob with this gun in your hand, you'll blast them away with fireworks! It creates a custom particle effect and spawns in fireworks! You can set the damage in the config.
  3. *NEW* SQUIDZOOKA: An amazing item that shoots a snowball with a squid trail behind it! Once the squidzooka shot hits the ground it creates an explosion! You can set the cooldown and explosion power in the config!


/giveweapon <player> <weapon>
This command gives a specific weapon to the player specified
Default: OP

This command opens up an inventory (similar to the one on top of this page!) with all the weapons in it!
Default: OP


Each weapon has 2 permissions: A permission to craft the weapon and one to use the weapon.

OP has all the permissions by default.

Code (Text):

-- Use the weapon specified
-- Example 1: wplus.fierysword.use
-- Example 2: wplus.tntstaff.use


-- Craft the weapon specifiied
-- Example 1: wplus.multibow.craft
-- Example 2: wplus.lifestealsword.craft


-- Used for the /giveweapon command


-- Used for the /getweapons command

The plugin comes with a whole set of configurable options.
You can change everything from duration to names and from cooldowns to materials.

Potion Info: If some of the potions are not working on certain mobs, it is most likely caused by Minecraft itself. Harming potions do not work on undead mobs (zombies, skeletons etc). There is nothing we can do about this.

Explosion/Lightning info: If these things don't do damage or break blocks it is most likely caused by a protection plugin such as WorldGuard!

All the times are in seconds
You may use &-color codes for messages
You can change the material of the swords, valid materials:
wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond
Since version 1.2 you can change the material used for staffs! Please note that this doesn't change the crafting item yet! (Coming soon!)
- Data values are not supported yet
- You must use the official bukkit name of the item:

Changing the name of items will cause old items with the old names to no longer work.

Using no color code or &f (white) will allow players to bypass the crafting by using an anvil to rename their items.

If you want to use the same name for items, you'll need to give them a different color. Otherwise one of the items will not work.

Default config:
Code (Text):

# WeaponsPlus by Yupie
# Duration is in seconds
# Changing the name of weapons will cause old weapons to no longer function.
# You may use & color codes to make the strings colorful.
# Making the names of weapons white will mean that anyone can use them by changing the name in an anvil.
# Valid materials: wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond.
# Damage and health is in half hearts (2 = 1 heart, 7 = 3.5 hearts)
enabled: true
duration: 7
modifier: 1
name: '&2Poison Sword'
lore: '&3Sting like a bee!'
material: gold
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
duration: 7
name: '&cFiery Sword'
lore: '&4Hot stuff!'
material: iron
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
damage: 5
name: '&9Piercing Sword'
lore: '&aPunch holes in armor!'
material: stone
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
health-regen: 2
name: '&dLifesteal Sword'
lore: '&5Lovely'
material: wood
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
food-to-regen: 2
name: '&2Porkchop Sword'
lore: '&bOmnomnomnom'
material: diamond
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
duration: 7
modifier: 2
name: '&3Booze Sword'
lore: '&bWdsadnsjdasudbw'
material: iron
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
duration: 5
modifier: 1
name: '&8Blinding Sword'
lore: '&7Deadly'
material: wood
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
damage: 4
name: '&eDagger'
lore: '&3Mini-Sword'
material: diamond
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
power: 3
max-distance: 15
material: BLAZE_ROD
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 20
name: '&cTnt Staff'
lore: '&4Booooommm'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
max-distance: 20
material: BLAZE_ROD
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 20
name: '&eLightning Staff'
lore: '&8Electromagic'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
range: 5
velocity: 4
material: BLAZE_ROD
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 20
name: '&eElectric Staff'
lore: '&2Weeeee!'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
velocity: 2
freeze-time: 5
material: BLAZE_ROD
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 20
name: '&bIce Staff'
lore: '&fSo cold!'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
players-only: false
material: BLAZE_ROD
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 20
name: '&aSwap Staff'
lore: '&3Swap positions!'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
modifier-factor: 4
name: '&bPace Bow'
lore: '&3Fast and furious'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
amount: 10
name: '&9Multi Bow'
lore: '&bGracious'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
power: 3
name: '&4Tnt Bow'
lore: '&cDanger!'
ammo-required: 1
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
name: '&dAuto Bow'
lore: '&cQuickshot'
ammo-required: 1
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
explosion-power: 2.5
explosion-time: 3
material: SLIME_BALL
name: '&2Grenade'
lore: '&4Timed Bomb'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
explosion-power: 3.0
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 25
material: GOLD_HOE
name: '&9Squidzooka'
lore: '&8Exploding squids!'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
amount-of-health-to-give: 6
amount-of-food-to-take: 6
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 20
material: BLAZE_ROD
name: '&dHealing Staff'
lore: '&cTurns food into hearts!'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
enabled: true
damage: 6
range: 30
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown: 2
material: WOOD_HOE
name: '&7Railgun'
lore: '&cFirework gun!'
- yourworld
- anotherworld
no-permission: '&cYou do not have enough permissions to use this weapon!'
cooldown: '&cThis weapon is on cooldown!'
block-too-far: '&cYour target is too far!'
not-enough-arrows: '&cYou do not have enough ammo!'
no-craft-permission: '&cYou are not allowed to craft this item!'
no-command-permission: '&cYou are not allowed to execute this command!'
disabled-world: '&cThis item is disabled in this world!'

Multi-World Support

For each item you can set in which worlds to disable it!
*Added version 1.1*

More Plugin Support (essentials kits and more)

If you need to add any of the items in this plugint to an essentials kit for example, you'll need to add the material of the weapon and the name to that kit.

Example for default poison sword:
- 283 1 name:&2Poison_Sword

This will add a golden sword with the name "&2Poison Sword" to the kit. WeaponsPlus will automagically recognize this and add all the abilities to the sword! (You can also add a custom lore and enchantments this way, see the essentials wiki!)

You can add weapons to other plugins in a similar way. Don't hesitate to ask in the discussion area if you are having issues!

Worldguard and Towny: Players can not use staffs and swords in places where pvp is not allowed.

GriefPrevention and Factions: Players can not use staffs and swords in factions and claims.

More to come...

I have a lot of plans for this plugin (just like ArmorPlus)!
Some of the future updates:
    • Particles
    • Sounds
    • Multi-World support for disabling items in certain worlds = DONE
    • Guns
    • Sticky Staff
    • Fiery Staff
    • Levithian Staff
    • Suggest more features!
    • Bombs
    • Electric staff = DONE
    • Health Staff
If you have any issues don't hesitate sending my a PM or replying in the discussion area! This plugin will be live at my survival server at if you want to try it out (nyi).

You can also PM me if you wan to do a private testing session.

If you have any requests or ideas, make sure to tell me in the discussion area! I'll do my best to implement them in the plugin!

If you have a video showcase, tutorial or anything similar for this plugin please tell me and I'll add it to the main page with credit! You may get the plugin for free if you are able to make a good video showcase.

I also make custom plugins for servers, please contact me by sending a PM if you are interested!
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Adds a whole bunch of brand new weapons such as swords, staffs and bows that have unique abilities!