[WetSponge] EggWars - MultiArena & Bungee, MultiLang, Fully Customizable

 [WetSponge] EggWars - MultiArena & Bungee, MultiLang, Fully Customizable 1.4.5

[WetSponge] EggWars - MultiArena & Bungee, MultiLang, Fully Customizable
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.12
Gaelitoelquesito, IhToN

Several players can join a team or compete in a deathmatch arena floating in the Sky.
To win the match you should destroy the Dragon Egg saved by the enemies and then kill all of them.
You'll be able to get help (if you pay enough) thanks to a Shop-Keeper in your island, so make sure that you visit the material generators often.
Be the last to survive!


  • Java 8 installed on your machine.
    No, we won't add Java7 support, its your time to update (you won't regret ;))
  • WetSponge
  • Languages

  • Spigot and Sponge support - Minecraft Version from 1.8 to 1.12.1
  • Database Support - MySQL, SQLite and H2
  • MultiArena and BungeeCord mode - Bungee allows multi-matches.
  • Villager Shop - Customizable for each arena
  • Kits - Divided in Common kits, Solo-Mode kits and Team-Mode kits
  • MultiLanguage - Do you have an international network? Don't worry :D
  • Statistics - Full custom statistics and economy
  • Easy GUI Manager - You'll be able to customize almost anything within your server
  • Join Signs
  • Customizable Holograms - In multiple languages ;)
  • Customizable Sounds - Check the possibilities here

Right now there is no Bungee mode, so this is the setup guide for MultiArena mode
  1. Add the EggWars jar file into your WetSpongePlugins folder and init your server.
  2. Shut it down and edit the EggWars configs to your needs and start it again.
  3. Create some Teams using /ews create team Team1 #FF00FF and don't forget to create some Generators using /ews manager generators.
  4. Once you have some teams and generators it's time to create and set up an arena, so use the command /ews create arena ArenaName.
  5. The plugin will teleport you to the new empty world in a place where you'll be able to paste your arena using WorldEdit so paste it where you want to and follow the commands that appeared on your chat after creating the arena.
  6. To add Generators to the arena just place a Sign in a block and set [generator] as the first line and the Generator ID as second one.
  7. Once you finished setting up the arena just launch the /ews save command (it should appear in your chat if you setted up the whole arena).
  8. Now it's time to play!
If you want to, you can test out the plugin or use our example config. The map was a gift from @Zoiter7
Download it from here


EggWars Player Commands
  • /ew lobby
    Teleports you to the main lobby (leaving the arena if needed).
    Permission: eggwars.lobby
  • /ew join [ARENA]
    Join a random arena (the one with more players) or the specified one if exists.
    Permission: eggwars.play
  • /ew leave
    Leave the current arena in which you are playing.
    Permission: eggwars.play
  • /ew spectate <ARENA>
    Spectate the specified arena if exists.
    Permission: eggwars.spectate
  • /ew forcestart [ARENA]
    Force an Arena, or the one you are playing, to start its Match.
    Permission: eggwars.forcestart

EggWars Setup Commands
Permission: eggwars.admin
  • /ews create <THING> <NAME>
    Create a new EggWars Object.
  • /ews select <THING> <NAME>
    Select an existing EggWars Object.
  • /ews delete <THING> <NAME>
    Delete an existing EggWars Object.
  • /ews manager <THING>
    Open the EggWars Object Manager.
  • /ews edit <THING> [PLAYER] <AMOUNT>
    Edit the specified stat/coin for a player or your own ones.
  • /ews toggle <THING> <NAME>
    Enable or Disable an EggWars Object.


ToDo List:
  • Custom API - Let devs create customizations
This plugin works as it is stated in the description.
If you don't know that this plugin will fit your needs ask us before buying it, we don't want you to waste your money.
Leave a comment or send us a private message to state your questions/concerns before buying!

By purchasing EggWars you agree to the following terms:
  • All purchases are final, that means that you will not chargeback without contacting us.
  • You are an adult or have your parents/tutors permission to buy the plugin
  • You will not -Redacted- EggWars or any of its source code to anyone, nor publicly or privately.
  • You will not attemp to modify EggWars source code without direct permission from our team.

Latest updates

  1. Updated to latest spigot

    1.4.5 latest spigot version
  2. 1.4.2-FINAL

  3. 1.3-FINAL


Latest reviews

please up to 2.3
up 1.4.6 thx~
Not found the plugin
[WetSponge -> Error] --------------------------------------------
[WetSponge -> Error] An error has occurred while WetSponge was parsing the event Spigot-PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent!
[WetSponge -> Error]
[WetSponge -> Error] Type: java.lang.NullPointerException
[WetSponge -> Error]
[WetSponge -> Error] Description: -
[WetSponge -> Error] Cause: -
[WetSponge -> Error]
[WetSponge -> Error] StackTrace:
[WetSponge -> Error] - java.util.Optional.orElseThrow (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] - com.degoos.eggwars.command.GeneralCommand.executeCommand (GeneralCommand.java:51)
[WetSponge -> Error] - com.degoos.wetsponge.listener.spigot.SpigotSendCommandListener.lambda$onCommand$0 (SpigotSendCommandListener.java:45)
[WetSponge -> Error] - java.util.Optional.ifPresent (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] - com.degoos.wetsponge.listener.spigot.SpigotSendCommandListener.onCommand (SpigotSendCommandListener.java:42)
[WetSponge -> Error] - sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native method)
[WetSponge -> Error] - sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] - sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] - java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] - org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute (JavaPluginLoader.java:302)
[WetSponge -> Error] - org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent (RegisteredListener.java:62)
[WetSponge -> Error] - org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent (SimplePluginManager.java:502)
[WetSponge -> Error] - org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent (SimplePluginManager.java:487)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand (PlayerConnection.java:1346)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerConnection.a (PlayerConnection.java:1189)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a (PacketPlayInChat.java:45)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a (PacketPlayInChat.java:1)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$1.run (SourceFile:13)
[WetSponge -> Error] - java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] - java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.SystemUtils.a (SourceFile:46)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D (MinecraftServer.java:747)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.D (DedicatedServer.java:399)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.C (MinecraftServer.java:678)
[WetSponge -> Error] - net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.run (MinecraftServer.java:576)
[WetSponge -> Error] - java.lang.Thread.run (Unknown Source)
[WetSponge -> Error] --------------------------------------------

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