WitcherPotions is a new designed alchemy system based on the video game
Witcher 3:Wild Hunt.
This videos are from old Witcher Potions.Remaked version is waaay cooler then you think ^^
- You can drop Ingredients from Entites or Blocks.
- You can edit your Formulas/Ingredients anytime and old items will get updated automaticly.
- You can change everything.Its 100% Language Configurable.Even including the formula design.
- You can design your own craft GUI.
- Over 150 Particle Colors are usable for Block Sources.
- You can give different formula pocket sizes by permissions.
- You can configure it by few simple clicks with Witcher Potions Admin GUI.
- You can use any item to make a Formula.Swords,Armors,Foods,Potions it doesn't matters !
- You can name filter entity drops to drop an ingredient from a specific entity.
- Players can open their formula pocket by a command or by right clicking config specific block types.
- Has a good documentation so you'll not get confused !
Creating a Formula
A few clicks will solve this problem thanks to Witcher Potions Admin GUI.
Click me for the Tutorial.
Is it worth to the price ?
Ofcourse it does silly ^^
1.9.10-1.10-1.11.x Spigot
v1.27 or higher Witcher Potions
(version 4.2.0) ProtocolLib
-Radar will not detect players in creative mode,this about performance,nothing important.Just be survival.
Visit Witcher Potions WIKI for Tutorials,Commands and Permissions
Terms Of Service
-Only use for your server.
-You can not sell it to anyone.
-You can not edit source of WitcherPotions.
-You can not publish this to anyone.
-No Refunds
-I can change the price anytime.
-You can not make chargeback.If you will,SpigotMC will ban you permanently.