ZQuest - FEEL THE MIGHT OF CREATING!! [1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11] BETA V0.72[194-110-111]

 ZQuest - FEEL THE MIGHT OF CREATING!! [1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11] BETA V0.72[194-110-111] 0.72

ZQuest - FEEL THE MIGHT OF CREATING!! [1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11] BETA V0.72[194-110-111]
Plugin nulled by : Zacky26

Join My Server : DarkRealms.mcpro.io


Short Introduction:
ZQuest is a scripting plugin for atmosphere and quests.
It gives you advantages of scripting without writing anything into a txt file.
Just click between GUI's and create your own scenarios !

About 3 months ago,i opened a Turkish MMORPG server.
Everything was fine.
You know the trees, the atmosphere, the lore, the monsters, potions and other kind of things.
But something was missing,
I mean my amotsphere was cool but it was so, so empty.Only non-talking Blacksmiths and Market NPC's.
It was boring,
so to buff my server's lore i downloaded a free quest plugin from spigot.It was looking good you know,the kill objective,go do that gain money etc.It was good for factions and that type of servers.
Not for my server.
My server's lore was still empty.I mean most advanced quest created by that plugin was killing named mobs and going back to quest giver to gain rewards.It was not enough,I wanted to create more special things,you know a more complicated storyline with betrayals and vengeance and optional things and I wanted to show the NPC's client-side in quests,making a realistic and living atmosphere.Also I wanted to make every feature in minecraft protocols like in skript.
The plugin i wanted needed to be flexible,creative,conditional and alghoritmic with fancy-easy to use GUI's.
I mean when a player completes an objective,I dont wanted to show only a simple message.I wanted to do more,maybe spawningHerobrine or Optimus Prime or Dean Winchester ?What if I wanted to make a jumpscare,or a puzzle like in Prince of Persia:Sands of Time ?
I wanted to create a quest system like in Witcher 3:Wild Hunt or Elder Scrolls:Skyrim.I wanted to create the quest system that used in
real RPG games.
With this deeply thoughts I started my journey to writing this plugin, and after 2 months of coding,I achived what I want.
The perfect,
the ultimate,
the best quest plugin ever made.

Introduction about the LandFeature:
As you know ZQuest has great features but only in quests.
It's massive power only affects players that have quests.
But what if ZQuest handled the whole atmosphere of the Server.Gain freedom from its Quests and able to
kick someone from a village if he done something wrong,
or what if an NPC died and never-able to seen again because player killed him in the quest ?

What if someone gives you a letter while walking in a town and a very secret quest starts ?

Zquest has now world-guard like regions to run its massive amount of actions and conditions !
On enter start a quest with chance of %1
,On leave if player hasn't bought anything make npc curse him,
while in area make NPC's talk about him and his last done/failed quest !


Zquest has a very strong API,with it you can create your own objectives,conditions and actions.
ZQuestAPI is free,means you can create a ZQuest Extension or add ZQuest support to your plugin without buying the ZQuest.
Click to visit ZQuestAPI's page.


Greate Updates(Must Read)
-ZQuest Land Restrictions Update(new)
-ZQuest Land Update
-Zquest Wiki and API Update
-Zquest MySQL Update




MCMMO Extension
Mythic Mobs Extension
RPGme & RPGme+ Extension
SkillAPI Extension


Test Servers:

windmillgaming.net /Spigot 1.10


---> Starter Tutorial <---
Setting Up MySQL for ZQUEST
Adding your Quests into LandNPC's

Quest Examples:
Creating A Simple Reach Quest
Creating A Citizens Interact Quest
Creating A Kill Monster Quest


Admin Commands:
requires 'zquest.admin' permission.


Player Commands:
This commands can be changed from the language files.
These are the default ones:
/quest - Gives info about current quest
/quest cancel - Cancels the current quest
/quest journal - Opens the quest journal GUI
/quests - Opens the global quests GUI.

Citizens NPC Commands:
/zquestnpc configure - Used to configure selected Citizens npc with 'zquest' trait.


Required(for 1.9.4):
Java 8,Spigot 1.9.4
ProtocolLib 4.0.1
ZQuest BETA V0.48 or Higher
WorldEdit(optional for we land selection)
Vault(optional for add,give,has money objects)

Required(for 1.10):
Java 8,Spigot 1.10.x
ZQuest BETA V0.71 OR Higher
ProtocolLib 4.2
WorldEdit(optional for we land selection)
Vault(optional for add,give,has money objects)

Required(for 1.11):
Java 8,Spigot 1.11.x
ZQuest BETA V0.70 OR Higher
ProtocolLib 4.2
Citizens 2.0.21(optional)
WorldEdit(optional for we land selection)
Vault(optional for add,give,has money objects)


Tips For The Quest Creators:
Inner Statements:

If you have to create a chain if statement,or any chain of actions.
Make them into an inner statement.
Because what if you want to put an action into the first line ?
You have to put your action and clone all previous actions and remove all of them to make your action take the first line.
If you put your chain actions into a statement,you just clone your statement by one click,remove the old one and #pof its done !
Also if you want to make multiple acitons in one Random Statement just put your actions into a statement and change the Random value of Inner Statement.
Client-Side Npc Click Objectives:
If you want to make a click objective about your client-side npcs.
First load your NPC's in 'Start Actions' action pack.
Than set your Client-Side Npc Click events in Objective Maker
Putting Conditions into Your Objectives:
If you put a condition into your objective,objective will be freezed(player can't fullfill it) until condition turns true.
For example you created a 45 secs wait objective.
Normally objective will start to count when player achives objective's quest part.(Quest Parts are packages of objectives.You complete a quest part next one will come until all of them ends and quest finishes.)
And when it reaches to 0,objective will be completed.
But if you put 'Player is holding diamond sword' condition to this objective,the counting will freeze.And when player starts to hold the diamond sword counting will continue until he changes the item in his hand.

More Tips Coming Soon !


Future Updates:
Even the plugin is in a very good condition it can still have some things you know.
I got a list of 'addable' things,but I want to play a little game with my dear Buyers.

I will put some achivements to here,on complete of this achivements you will be granted with your lif-ehm I mean UPDATES.Yeah,Updates.
One update can be made with multiple buyers.

Showcase 1 quest on youtube(done by Zindev,
achived Conditionable Objectives)

Make a Review about Plugin on Youtube.(Any language)
(Reward:3 new conditions ,2 new objectives and 2 new options)

Create 3 tutorial threads in spigot(No need to make a video).
(Reward:Random statements like in RPG games(some one stoles your pocket in bazaar and a new quest starts))
Done by:


Give 3 server IP's that uses ZQuest to show in this thread.
(Reward:Optional Objectives)

More will be added after these are achived.

(Like co-op Quests)

ZQuest has a Wiki Too

If you got any problems or ideas my skype is: zindev1












Terms Of Service
-Only use for your server.
-You can not sell it to anyone.
-You can not edit source of ZQuest.
-You can not publish this to anyone.
-No Refunds
-ZQuest is still in BETA,dont make bad reviews such as errors and errors
-I can change the price anytime.
-You can not make chargeback.If you will,SpigotMC will ban you permanently.

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