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  1. N

    Hummus Client

    Nah, you're just jealous of my success. Stay mad
  2. N

    Hummus Client

    How does it feel, to be so dumb that you paid someone else to pay ME to get the jar file and then still got caught. Like bitch you had a middle man and your loud mouth friends + stupidity did the equivalent of ratting you out
  3. N

    Hummus Client

    Go cry about how you can't get access anymore kid
  4. N

    Hummus Client

    Literally got a screen shot of you admitting to crack it, one of your friends confirming you were the one who cracked it and a watermark in the jar file showing the people you got the jar from
  5. N

    Hummus Client

    Hello "5170#5170"/"364320197328240640", "! fabio#0001"/"445270328575524864", "codera#7525"/241957895845969920" funny seeing how you paid me for beta and still got caught, it's laughable how bad you are at cracking. And you were too stupid to apply for beta either, you had to pay for it lmfao. I...
  6. N

    Hummus Client

    "oh you mean qProtect" I never mentions any protection software? All I said is that you're too braindead to crack the newer versions, which you are. Also qprotect being down is brownie's problem, not mine
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