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  1. L

    FreshUHC ā†” Ā”The Biggest UHC-Host plugin! ā†” Ā”25% OFF SPECIAL DAY! - ā†’ FreshUHC ā†” v3.9.5 ā†

    Ā» Added "startCommands" to config.yml Ā« Ā» Fixed config patcher error in config-version Ā« Ā» Changes in some commands Ā« Ā» Fixed some bugs Ā« Thank you for your patience... ā™„..
  2. L

    (DONE) UHCFresh ā€¢ UltraHardcore ā†” Ā”The Biggest UHC-Host plugin! ā†” Support 1.7 and 1.8! v1.8
  3. L

    FreshUHC ā†” Ā”The Biggest UHC-Host plugin! ā†” Ā”25% OFF SPECIAL DAY! 3.9.5

    1.7 1.8 Contributors: Josn3rDev ā†” Developer |/\| jaquadro (Bukkit) ā†” Ores Rate |/\| FluctisHosting ā†” Server test Ā» Discount on the Source-Code Ā« There is a discount on the FreshUHC source code. If you want to modify the complement to your liking, you can acquire the source code for a price of...
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    S @ sill: does anyone have the latest version of nitrosetups survival server?