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    RESOLVED Voucher plugin Not letting me Use voucher

    hey theres is no other version of Voucher
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    RESOLVED Voucher plugin Not letting me Use voucher

    i still get the same error msg
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    RESOLVED Voucher plugin Not letting me Use voucher

    1.12 spigot and they are the same the rankup one works but the others dont
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    RESOLVED Voucher plugin Not letting me Use voucher

    When I try reedeming one of my vouchers in the voucher plugin it dosnt seem to work the config seems normal but when i right click it dosnt seem to work when i try and use the voucher
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    RESOLVED ⌾ MiniaturePets ⌾ Custom Mobs- Great for EULA! 1.5.3

    Name of the plugin you want : MinaturePets Spigot Link : Price :12 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : it would give people Custom pets to follow them around
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    (REQUEST) AACBungeeConnect

    Name of the plugin you want :AACBungeeConnect Spigot Link : Price : $5 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : it links AAC with bungee
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    qtChan @ qtChan: @SkAlpha just open the profile of the one you want to gift a rank. There's an option there to...