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  1. Atmazphere

    (REQUEST) XenForo Theme

    Looking for this theme
  2. Atmazphere

    OPEN Xenforo 2 Styles & Addons!

    There's a reason I asked for the specific version.
  3. Atmazphere

    OPEN Xenforo 2 Styles & Addons!

    Hi, MineSync version S2.1.2 would be appreciated, or XP Verification Badge.
  4. Atmazphere

    OQ Minebot

    Name of the plugin you want: OQ Minebot Spigot Link: Price: $20 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: Well, obviously we can bot servers, duh! Also a cool little tool.
  5. Atmazphere


    Hi, Looking for MineBot, which is located at
BlackSpigot General Chat
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    Arctomium @ Arctomium: @FoxH, should be able to click your profile at the top and there should be an option called...