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  1. I

    (REQUEST) ✅ (25% Off Sale) ✅ Donation Store ️ - Self Hosted Webstore, Helpdesk

    also who the fuck will give 150$ for other people to use it except him because its useless
  2. I

    (REQUEST) ✅ (25% Off Sale) ✅ Donation Store ️ - Self Hosted Webstore, Helpdesk

    already contacted the owners, theyre on their way to get it down if it gets leaked so gl leaking it
  3. I

    MineSync For XF2 [Deleted]

    hey so the minecraft server plugin doesnt works when i do /register or something else it gives me this error code > [16:15:28 ERROR]: TaskChain Exception on io.nanocode.minesync.commands.RegisterCommand$$Lambda$69/1920743101: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was...
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    9 @ 932wqrjiaksmdf: Someone have BattleLevels plugin source?