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    AWAITING UPDATE HyEmotes 4.2.1

    Name of the plugin you want updated: HyEmotes Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link: Why should we update this plugin: The...
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    Name of the plugin you want updated: ServerNPC Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link: Why should we update this plugin: 1.16.1 Update Version Tag...
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    ServerNPC | 1.8 UP TO 1.15 1.10.3-RELEASE

    1.16 Support on 1.11.0 plugin version
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    (REQUEST) Player Emotes Pro | Share your Emotions!

    Name of the plugin you want: Player Emotes Pro Spigot Link: *click* Price: 2.99 GBP How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: This plugin perfectly fits the rules of EULA, and is also very interesting to players of different servers, and therefore the administration of...
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    AWAITING UPDATE EpicWorldGenerator 8.0.0 PRE-RELEASE 5

    Please update to latest version
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    (REQUEST) YouTube Bridge 2.0.8_1

    please, leak
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    9 @ 932wqrjiaksmdf: Someone have BattleLevels plugin source?