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  1. Rxperier

    im bored

    lol hi im bored.... why are u reading this... what am i doing with my life... all these are good questions.... pygvfhkdh;uoalfkhsboulreak;ydg.;iaylhjgbeofdu;ilyhjfd... No... Just no...
  2. Rxperier

    (REQUEST) |Cosmetic| DeathEffects (Particle Effects on death.) 1.2.2

    This plugin will NEVER get leaked. STOP BUMPING U idiots! jeez someone would have leaked by now! On a side note... a competitor site has a leak for this...
  3. Rxperier

    (REQUEST) HeadHunter RPG System
  4. Rxperier

    RESOLVED Recrack Help
  5. Rxperier

    (REQUEST) [1.8-1.11] Mask - The legendary mask

    You would be wrong sir! Leaked. yes your right! Its a shit plugin and its not worth the money!
  6. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    Please close the thread. I'm not stupid enough to try and be staff in a community where all the staff hates me. I just wanted to help. That's all.
  7. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    I dont have the kind of money for those resources I like how you made this pay to win now.
  8. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    FIne you win. I give up
  9. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    That would have been nice to know. You can trace a VPN, also most of them live in the UK where it is past midnight.
  10. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    They are not alts. Check their Ip's Also i am pretty sure all if not most of them will remain active. I asked friends who i think would like the site. I gaurentee all the ones you tagged will stay (excluding seba)
  11. Rxperier

    BSMC Broken on Mobile Devices.

    So i have linked two friends of mine to an application of mine and both of them got weird errors when opening this on their phones. I just want the staff on this site to be aware.
  12. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    Why must you all be against me? I Just want to help out a website that i really love.
  13. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    Look at my content. The MassiveCombat that i leaked is ONLY on BSMC and that is thanks to ME. So while i know that doesn't mean a ton i still feel it should count for a nice amount of credit.
  14. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    Okay. That does not mean i cannot still do a good job here. So far the only argument you have justified is the lack of posts. I'm Still very active on discord and again... Plugin leak.
  15. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    I have not really gotten involved until recently when i posted my MassiveCombat plugin leak. Hey you never know. Maybe in a week ill have more posts than you. Do not judge too swiftly.
  16. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    I feel as your a hypocrite. You joined the day after me and have only 4 more posts. You haven't seen me in the discord because i'm there when your not, But i assure you i'm very active. And i helped the whole community with an EXPENSIVE plugin that nobody cared to leak and EVERYONE wanted. I...
  17. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    No clue lol. My friends are strange.
  18. Rxperier

    RESOLVED SilverHuskey BSMC Community Manager Application.

    I have linked some friends here before. The ones who vouched for me here are friends i have met recently or who i just got back in contact with.
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