Search results

  1. D

    Most Advanced Minecraft Servers List (script) for Sale | [Was $29.99 LIMITED TIME SALE $24.99]

    Sure, let's not talk about 80+ downloads which would total to 2000$ in damage.
  2. D

    Most Advanced Minecraft Servers List (script) for Sale | [Was $29.99 LIMITED TIME SALE $24.99]

    Okay, please remove my resource. That still brings me income. As for your moderator, there will be no increase in revenue only loss.
  3. D

    Most Advanced Minecraft Servers List (script) for Sale | [Was $29.99 LIMITED TIME SALE $24.99]

    A good one. I get income from this source a months. Now lets see the outcome of this.
  4. D

    Most Advanced Minecraft Servers List (script) for Sale | [Was $29.99 LIMITED TIME SALE $24.99]

    Keep my post here. Lets live it see. how it will end. That's not some plugin whose loss you can count in pennies, we are talking of hunderds of $$$ in damage.
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