--------- REQUEST FORMAT ----------
Name of plugin you want:
FactionWars [UPDATED] [CTF] [KOTH] [TDM] [BLITZ] v4.1.1#2
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/factionwars-updated-ctf-koth-tdm-blitz.10961/
Price: 15.00 EUR
Why you want it: Because it is a good plugin
Why you deserve...
Name of plugin you want:
MultiSkyWars - ¡The unique SkyWars plugin! ¡Fully customizable! 2.8.11
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/multiskywars-%C2%A1the-unique-skywars-plugin-%C2%A1fully-customizable.22375/
Price: 14.99 USD
Why you want it: I need it for my skywars server and...
@BlackSpigot.comI am reaching you about support for the Unity/VrChat Section of BlackSpigot.com. Please open a conversation with me I will send my discord. I need more file space in order to upload models, witch is what people want.