I can't run on Java11 , either.
[12:43:17 INFO]: [AAC5] Enabling AAC5 v5.0.8
[12:43:20 INFO]: [AAC5] Detected ViaVersion
[12:43:21 INFO]: [AAC5] No stale entries to remove
[12:43:22 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling AAC5 v5.0.8 (Is it up to date?)
Error occurred while enabling AnimatedNames v7.1.0 (Is it up to date?)
org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register be.maximvdw.animatednamescore.m.a@588021d2 while not enabled
@BlackSpigot.comI am reaching you about support for the Unity/VrChat Section of BlackSpigot.com. Please open a conversation with me I will send my discord. I need more file space in order to upload models, witch is what people want.