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  1. H

    AWAITING UPDATE EnchantmentBook 9.3.3

    Name: EnchantmentBook 9.3.3 McMarket Link: BlackspigotMC Link: Why should we update this plugin: It has a important feature of allowing players to drag and drop...
  2. H

    (DONE) Gloss - Legendary Holograms & Boards

    hell yeah i want this too
  3. H

    RESOLVED EpicFarming

    Name of the plugin you want updated : EpicFarming Spigot Link : BlackspigotMC Link: None Price : $7.50 USD Why should we update this plugin : This plugin offers a unique experience for players and a very unique...
  4. H

    AWAITING UPDATE ChatControl Pro

    Name: ChatControl Pro Link: BlackspigotMC Link: Price : 8.77 EUR Reason: Because it has a big use for alot of the server...
BlackSpigot General Chat
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    B @ bogdan666tg: help me , i dont now to password to send emails