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  1. MinecraftKid45

    OPEN Plugins Not Working

    Thank you very much!
  2. MinecraftKid45

    OPEN Plugins Not Working

    This issue occurs when I edit the "plugin.yml" contained in the Jar file, I am guessing they don't want you modifying it..even though all I was doing was changing the "No Permission" message on AAC.. Whatever I guess, just re-download the plugin and it's fixed.
  3. MinecraftKid45

    OPEN Plugins Not Working

    For some reason as of yesterday, (June 26th) BlackSpigot AntiCheat and AdvancedAntiCheat will not let the server load. An error comes up saying "Contact BlackSpigotMC 0x0" and then says "Stopping Server" No Idea Why..Can download the plugins again and still not working. Thanks.
  4. MinecraftKid45

     HCF Classes plugin 2017-06-26

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTICE: My computer was broken that was why I was inactive but I now have a new one so I will soon...
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