@BenYagiz First, please use the format and use the search option. http://blackspigot.com/resources/40-off-%E2%9C%AAneoskywars%E2%9C%AA-stats-kits-shop-mysql-multiarena-solo-team-mega-normal-and-insane-mode.3066/
@bertek41 Please use the search option instead of requesting. http://blackspigot.com/resources/board-games-gui-map-games-20-games-uno-apples-to-apples-mysql-stats-tops-3-0-0.3856/
This plugin will allow you to check a player's inventory or enderchest and edit it as you like. However, what makes CMI unique is you can do all of this even if the player is offline! Still not sold? What if I told you it was also possible to edit a player's armor, potion effects, location...
Name of plugin you want: XenforoRegister
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/xenfororegister.1897/
Price: $7.50
Why you want it: I want this because it will help my players and staff see what player is on our website
Why you deserve it: I think i deserve it because it will help...
Name of plugin you want: SupportPlus
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supportplus-%E2%9C%A6-gui-%E2%9C%A6-configurable-%E2%9C%A6-user-friendly-50-off.24432/
Price: 5.00 euros
Why you want it: I want it becauseit will help my players make support tickets for staff to help them...