Search results

  1. Mako

     TokenEnchant 8.1.3

    For Plugin Support (bug report, feature request, etc), please use this site. NOTE: version 5.x.x contains a new option for explosive enchants. If you specify "use_explode_event: true" under explosive enchants such as "Explosive", "Excavation", "Sphered", "Disk", and "Tile", it will not...
  2. Mako

     VKBackPack 4.6.0

    Please make sure to have Java8 on your system. For Plugin Support (bug report, feature request, etc), please use this site. You can also use This backpack works with TokenEnchant / AutoSell / InventoryFull. Mined/exploded blocks are automatically stored in the backpack, and AutoSell commands...
  3. Mako

     CrateKeys 2.4.4

    A highly customizable crates plugin. Crate Types: There are currently 4 crate types. Default, scroller, roulette and falling crate. Commands: All commands in-game require the permission, cratekeys.admin. The following commands may be used: /cratekeys set <crate> /cratekeys remove /cratekeys...
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