Name of Server you want: Mega RPG Server
Spigot Link: http://www.mc-market.org/threads/45938/ Or type in google minecraft selling rpg server
Price: 500 USD
Why you want it: Maximvdw's Server is powerful but hard to crack and expensive
Why you deserve it: i wan't this...
Name of plugin you want: LEAK SKY WARS
Spigot Link:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/shop-a-simple-intuitive-shop-plugin.9628/
Price: 7,50 USD
Why you want it: i wan't this for my server
Why you deserve it: plsss i wan't this for my server and thnk you
Sorry for my bad english :(
Name of plugin you want: The Underground [1.7.10-1.10] 5.7
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/the-underground-1-7-10-1-10.715/
Price: 24.99 USD
Why you want it: Maximvdw's plugin is powerful but hard to crack and expensive
Why you deserve it: i wan't...