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  1. Flays

    (REQUEST) MCMMO - Custom messages

    I'm sorry, The thread does not show on the request list so I had to recreate and and it does not let me to delete it.
  2. Flays

    (REQUEST) MCMMO - Custom messages

    Name of the plugin you want : Spigot Link : Price : 3$ How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : Server developers can make there server look like its well made and professional made so...
  3. Flays

    (REQUEST) Custom McMMO Messages! Leak request

    Name of the plugin you want : Spigot Link : Price : 3$ How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : Server developers can make there server look like its well made and professional made so...
BlackSpigot General Chat
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    kaqzy_ @ kaqzy_: why isnt my plugin getting approved