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  1. V

    AWAITING UPDATE 4.00 EUR Live Compass [Premium] [1.7.x - 1.12.x] [Sale 50% for first 50 buyer]

    Name of the plugin you want updated : Live Compass [Premium] Spigot Link : BlackspigotMC Link: None Price : 4.00 EUR Why should we update this plugin : Useful for my MMORG project.
  2. V

    (REQUEST) AdvancedMobArena

    Name : AdvancedMobArena ( Spigot Link : Price : 5.00 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : it very useful for RPG servers and i very need it.
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    Erotic Roleplay Enjoyer @ Erotic Roleplay Enjoyer: Can someone get me the discord server for BlackSpigot, I am trying to get into contact with...