Search results

  1. Joey

    (REQUEST) Custom RaidTop - Perfect for FactionsUUID v1.0

    Name of the plugin you want: Custom RaidTop - Perfect for FactionsUUID V1.0 Spigot Link: Here Price: $9 (25% Sale Atm) How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: Its something unique for faction servers so i think if would be cool if more people have this plugin since some...
  2. Joey

    (REQUEST) SellItemInHand

    yea but with essentials you can only sell stuff in your inv or hand not in a chest you can sell all items that are in the chests
  3. Joey

    (REQUEST) SellItemInHand

  4. Joey

    (REQUEST) SellItemInHand

    Name of plugin you want: SellItemInHand Spigot Link: Price: $3,50 Why you want it: Its really good for faction servers so i wanna use it for my server aswell Why you deserve it: not only me but i think alot of people are...
  5. Joey

    AWAITING UPDATE Freecam Glitching

    BlackSpigot link: Needed version: 2.1 @Coolman
  6. Joey

    CLOSED Spawner Delay Plus

    not working
  7. Joey

    CLOSED AuctionHouse 1.4.5

    Not the one we are looking for
  8. Joey

    CLOSED AuctionHouse 1.4.5

    need this one aswell ver: 1.4.9
  9. Joey

    CLOSED Spawner Delay Plus

  10. Joey

    CLOSED Spawner Delay Plus

    Name of plugin you want: Spawner Delay Plus Spigot Link: Price: 5 GBP Why you want it: For my faction server Why you deserve it: no one has leaked it yet and i heard that some...
  11. Joey

    CLOSED Head Loot

    Name of plugin you want: Head Loot Spigot Link: Price: $4,90 Why you want it: Its rly good for faction servers Why you deserve it: not me i want it for everyone
  12. Joey

    CLOSED CustomEnchantments <3 1.0

    Name of plugin you want: CustomEnchantments <3 1.0 Spigot Link: Price: $10,00 Why you want it: cuz im making a faction server :D Why you deserve it: cuz i love blackspigot <3
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    kaqzy_ @ kaqzy_: why isnt my plugin getting approved