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  1. alexassiasios

    ♦ Advanced Enchantments ♦ | WORKING 1.8 [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  2. alexassiasios

     AdvancedSets 1.4.3

    I leaked it because i did not find it anywhere so i will share it!
  3. alexassiasios

    ♦ McMMO ♦ | Working Version 1.8 [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. alexassiasios


    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  5. alexassiasios


    alexassiasios submitted a new resource: ALEXZ ★ ➢ ACTIONBAR PLUGIN 1.8 | WORKING - Best actionbar plugin for skyblock, factions and more Read more about this resource...
  6. alexassiasios

    ♦ SPIGOTMC BAN BYPASS 2019 ♦ [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  7. alexassiasios

    ♦ SPIGOTMC BAN BYPASS 2019 ♦ [Deleted]

    alexassiasios submitted a new resource: ♦ SPIGOTMC BAN BYPASS 2019 ♦ - Bypass SPIGOTMC Bans Read more about this resource...
  8. alexassiasios

    ♦ Advanced Enchantments ♦ | WORKING 1.8 [Deleted]

    alexassiasios submitted a new resource: ♦ Advanced Enchantments ♦ | WORKING 1.8 - AdvancedEnchantments Read more about this resource...
  9. alexassiasios

    ♦ McMMO ♦ | Working Version 1.8 [Deleted]

    alexassiasios submitted a new resource: ♦ McMMO ♦ | Working Version 1.8 - McMMO Read more about this resource...
  10. alexassiasios

    ALEXZ ★ ➢ Essentials | Advanced config.yml (KITS INCLUDED)

    alexassiasios submitted a new resource: ALEXZ ★ ➢ Essentials | Advanced config.yml (KITS INCLUDED) - Best essentials config.yml Read more about this resource...
  11. alexassiasios

     ALEXZ ★ ➢ Essentials | Advanced config.yml (KITS INCLUDED) v1.0

    → A D V A N C E D E S S E N T I A L S ← C O N F I G . Y M L ✉ Contact: ➥ Discord: Alexz#3501 ➥ E-mail: Coming Soon → I N F O R M A T I O N ← This config.yml does the following: • Join Message • No Fall Damage (☢ EssentialsProtect Needed ☢) • Mobs Doesen't Attack Players •...
  12. alexassiasios

     AnimatedInventory v4.4.1

    Premium Version of this resource is coming soon. Face it, your inventory is boring. Why not spice it up with Animated Inventory? There are currently 5 animations available. When you do /ai clear, the plugin picks one of the animations to play at random. (See image 1/2//3) When you do /ai...
  13. alexassiasios

     ● AntiReach | advanced antireach solution 4.3

    If any errors occur, send me them via direct message and not as a review! AntiReach is only compatible with Spigot 1.8,1.8.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 AntiReach does not and will never support 1.7 or earlier versions. The system supports the Dytanic spigot. Do not use a review to report...
  14. alexassiasios

     ✫ nbdPackage || /enchanter, /fund, custom armor, Jelly Legs! ✫ LIKE STELLARPVP 1.0

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬ nbdPackage v1.0 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ **IMPORTANT** - If you are using 1.8+ You will need to change the sound values in the config.yml & fund.yml for the plugin to work properly! Please do this before reviewing! - Please read the LIMITATIONS section of this plugin! Description: nbdPackage is a highly...
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