NoobExploits submitted a new resource:
JPremium | Modern authentication plugin for Minecraft proxy servers - A modern authentication plugin for Minecraft proxy servers.
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VulcanAC submitted a new resource:
■ JPremium ■ AUTHORIZATION PLUGIN ■ AUTOMATIC LOGIN PREMIUM ■ - Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8-1.19
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If you are using a bungeecord and you want to use a priority password when logging into your server, this plugin will send the player to the server you have written in your config right after the authme login.
Eğer bir bungeecord kullanıyorsanız ve sunucunuza girişlerde öncelikli şifre...
Fully configurable
SQLite and MySQL support
Types of player identification: NAME, UUID
Types of password hash: SHA256, MD5, BCrypt
VK link support
Callback + Inline buttons for VK
/auth | Needed permissions: auth.admin
/changepassword | No...
Name of plugin you want:| Bungee 1.7 - 1.9.2 | Premium Authenticator | Login only for non-premium | Extra Price BPA v5.1 Final2
Spigot Link:
Price: 10.00 USD
Why you want it...