
  1. V

    CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! [Deleted]

    vasilij submitted a new resource: CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! - For 1.7.10 - 1.20 Over 290 must have commands/features for your server! Read more about this resource...
  2. S

    CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! [Deleted]

    Suknicer submitted a new resource: CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! - For 1.7.10 - 1.20 Over 290 must have commands/features for your server! Read more about this resource...
  3. Aqkvaking

    FREE CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! [Deleted]

    Aqkvaking submitted a new resource: CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! - For 1.7.10 - 1.20 Over 290 must have commands/features for your server! Read more about this resource...
  4. NaerQAQ

    SpigotVIP CMI | Cracked by Naer

    humm cracked by naer I have a cmi post, but this post is supported and I can't edit and update it, so I post a new one directly 我有一个 cmi 的帖子 但是这个帖子是support 我无法进行编辑更新因此直接新发了
  5. NaerQAQ

    SpigotVIP CMI | Cracked by Naer

    ? 被 naer 破解
  6. G


    For a better description and wiki pages about this plugin, please visit CMILib is required as of 9.x version. You can get it from HERE CMI Bungee plugin can be downloaded from HERE Economy: For CMI economy to properly work you will need one of two solutions: 1. Is to use...
  7. Segretary

     CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! // UPDATED //

    Disclaimer and heads up: As of 1.17.0 version there are plans to drop support for 1.9 1.10 and 1.11 versions. While 1.8 and 1.7.10 are on a fence and depending on how many people will want to have this we will evaluate that and ether we will keep it for next couple mc versions or do a big fat...
  8. I

     CMI8.8.4.2 Plugins CRACKED 2021-09-06

    CMI Premium
  9. Segretary

    SpigotVIP CMI - 280+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! // LATEST

    Disclaimer and heads up: As of 1.17.0 version there are plans to drop support for 1.9 1.10 and 1.11 versions. While 1.8 and 1.7.10 are on a fence and depending on how many people will want to have this we will evaluate that and ether we will keep it for next couple mc versions or do a big fat...
  10. ReiO

    (REQUEST) CMI - 270+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More!

    Name of the plugin you want: CMI Spigot Link: Price: 15€ How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: It is much better than EssentialsX and has many more...
  11. DragonPlays

    SpigotVIP CMI - 270+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More!

    Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 For a better description and wiki pages about this plugin, please visit CMI Bungee plugin can be downloaded from HERE Economy: For CMI economy to properly work you will need one of two solutions: 1. Is to...
  12. N


    Name of the plugin you want updated: CMI - 270+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link...
  13. A

    SpigotVIP CMI - 240+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More!

    Support the developer, If you like the plugin, BUY IT! Economy: For CMI economy to properly work you will need one of two solutions: 1. Is to use recompiled Vault version from HERE which has direct support for CMI economy and will have best compatibility with other plugins. 2. Use...
  14. R


    Name of the plugin you want updated : CMI Spigot Link : BlackspigotMC Link:
  15. keyman015

    (DONE) CMI Ranks/Kits/Portals/Essentials/MySQL/SqLite/BungeeCord

    Name of the plugin you want: CMI Spigot Link: Price 15.00 EUR How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: I think it would help the community because it has so many plugins...
  16. Guy007

    (REQUEST) Content Management Interface MySQL/SqLite support

    Name of the plugin you want : CMI (Content Management Interface MySQL/SqLite support) Spigot Link : Price :15 EUR How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : This is amazing plugin...
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