
  1. PowerRATIO

     ServerSystem Plugin 1.7.5

    Why an alternative to essentials? First, essentials looks pretty ugly. Also you can set every single message and permission. Plus this plugin has some useful functions that are NOT included in essentials. What commands will this plugin add? You can download the list of commands here What...
  2. C

     ⚡[1.8 - 1.15] DeluxeSellwands - Need a sellwands plugin? Look no further! Build 9

    ⚠️ To avoid issues, always use the latest available build/configuration of the resource. You will not receive support for outdated plugin builds or for server versions/jars that are not specifically mentioned on the resource page. Before submitting a negative review, please contact me first so...
  3. B

    (REQUEST) EssentialsX Extras

    ---------- REQUEST FORMAT ---------- Name of plugin you want: EssentialsX Extras Spigot Link: Price: 5 Euros/ 5.49 US Why you want it: To help my server by getting a warp gui plugin that hooks with essentials and I am broke right...
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    timojesus @ timojesus: I fixed some of the gifs for resource and rank prefix banners today, too ur ModelEngine its safe?