PratSpigot is a custom PaperSpigot fork which has 99% closes knockback to minemen club with over four customizable knockback profile types. It offers smooth, range-based knockback scaling, instant hit registration, and optimized performance for competitive PvP servers. Perfect for servers...
rLazarus was discontinued, rLazarus is my first java proyect using bukkit/spigot, Is based on lazarus 0.9
Contains shit code, But it also has a lot of bug fixes for lazarus 0.9
The new rlazarus manager will release his own versions, I am no longer linked to rlazarus and this is the last...
Compatible operating systems
TagsTagsanti-bot antibot antiexploit bot bungeecord exploit travertine
Note: XCord requires a license to run properly. You can obtain a license from joining the official XCord channel and verifying your ownership (Insure...