
  1. FoxH

    FREE Iris - Dimension Engine

    Iris sourcecode is public... anyone can just compiled it so my friend Fjox did that. SCREENSHOTS Spoiler: Transcript for all images Image 1: Title card linking to the Github here Image 2: Feature Listings 1: Custom biome colors, Allowing for users to modify the colors of sky, grass...
  2. FoxH

    SpaceMoon Leak

    FoxH submitted a new resource: SpaceMoon Leak - Some dumbass spanish server... Read more about this resource...
  3. FoxH

    SERVER FREE SpaceMoon Leak 2023-09-29

    I think i got it from D*L* but idk and idc Its now here and its gonna stay here
  4. FoxH

    Some server setup idk #1 [Deleted]

    FoxH submitted a new resource: Some server setup idk #1 - hosted on Read more about this resource...
  5. FoxH

    KnockbackFFA Setup

    FoxH submitted a new resource: KnockbackFFA Setup - Professional knockbackffa setup compatible with [1.8.x - 1.19.x] (made with KnockbackFFA Minigame) Read more about this resource...
  6. FoxH

    SERVER KnockbackFFA Setup v1.6.0

    Mime litrely send me this lmao. The creator works for pvpsmash and the owner just send me the setup for free LMAO. Common FoxH W This is one of the first KnockbackFFA premade setup, this setup include a lot of things, and more thar are in coming on futures updates! this server have cosmetics...
  7. FoxH

    Creative Worlds HuiCraft Dev

    FoxH submitted a new resource: Creative Worlds HuiCraft Dev - Made by BasToTheMax@Huicrfat Read more about this resource...
  8. FoxH

    SERVER FREE Creative Worlds HuiCraft Dev 1

    This is a creative setup made with world system and multiverse-core. Made by BasToTheMax@Huicraft.
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