Here comes Pohaku the Ancient Golem! A classic easy read-ability boss fight that wont confuse your players! Distract Pohaku while the mercenary loads up his ballista and knocks him down for you to attack! Unique scripted dialogue to immerse
your players into this once in a lifetime boss...
Azriel is finally here and he not disappoint!
He has been awakened in the Nether to face off against the mightiest of warriors, his death magic will bring them to their knees!
Azriel has an assortment of skills and attacks -
Pierce -...
Name of the resource you want: 3D sign pack
How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: The 3D sign pack has over 26 signs like "VOTE" "RULES" "PVP" and way more, and it's highly customizable.
Name of the plugin you want: LittleRoom's Resources [for ConxeptWorks Model Engine]
Spigot Link:
Price: 15$ per model pack
How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: There are more resources available on the mcmodel page, it would be great if you could bring them. For the...
@BlackSpigot.comI am reaching you about support for the Unity/VrChat Section of Please open a conversation with me I will send my discord. I need more file space in order to upload models, witch is what people want.