
  1. xTritoniX_

    (REQUEST) LiteBans update 2.4.6

    Name of the plugin you want: LiteBans Spigot Link: BlackSpigot link: How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: The new is annoying bug-fixes, 1.15 & 1.15.1 support...
  2. V

    (REQUEST) Core - An essential plugin - Ranks, Punishments & More

    Name of the plugin you want: Core - An essential plugin - Ranks, Punishments & More MCM Link: Price: 40 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: it is a essential plugin for practice and hcf
  3. Enjuu

    (REQUEST) BanSystem + Chatban/Mute + REPORT-System + CHATFILTER (Bungeecord) MySQL

    Name of plugin: BanSystem + Chatban/Mute + REPORT-System + CHATFILTER (Bungeecord) MySQL Spigot Link: Price: 10€ (Im from Germany :D) Why you want it: I need it for my Bungeecord Network...
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