
  1.  HCF 2018-07-11

  2. . 2018-03-26

  3. xBabo

     [HCF] Notorious Core Notorious v0.2.4

    Plugin issues tracker: Updated Permissions: (also you can find all permissions inside permissions.yml file and you can even change then to your likings) In order for Notorious Core to work...
  4.  [HCF] Notorious Core Notorious v2.2.3

    Plugin issues tracker: /cobble - Toggles cobblestone pick-up. /coords - Displays important coordinates. /cps - Displays players cps. /crowbar - Spawns new crowbar. /endspawn - Sets end spawn. /freeze - Freezes player. /help - Displays help page...
  5. pxb

     [HCF] Notorious Core Notorious | With SRC 2.2.7

    UPDATED TO NEWEST VERSION!!!!! AND ADDED THE SRC AKA 2.2.7 Vault World Edit World Guard ALL THIS NEEDED TO WORK if you want this go here, Updated Permissions: if you want this go...
  6. EclipseLeaker

     [HCF] Notorious - 1.7, 1.8 [Leaked by BlackSpigotMC] 1.1

    Hello guys! I'm EclipseLeaker. This plugin runs on mc version 1.7 and 1.8 what you may allready saw at the title. This plugins also needs some other plugins to work. If you have a server that is 1.7 or 1.8, or you just want to test this plugin out, or maybe decompile just for the code, than this...