outdated warn

  1. branden959

    AWAITING UPDATE Lands Update!

    Lands - Minecraft Land claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Wars Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/lands-minecraft-land-claim-plugin-grief-prevention-protection-gui-management-wars-1-15-support.53313/ BlackspigotMC Link...
  2. zuhi

    GUIDE Disable spigot outdated warn

    1 - Create spigot server 2 - Right click on start.bat and select "Edit" 3 - Add this parameter: "-DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear" THIS PARAMETER MUST BE BEFORE THE "-JAR" PARAMETER 4 - Save, open your server and see how that annoying message disappears _____________________ If you have...
BlackSpigot General Chat
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    H @ HelpMe55: i had this problem already once and they helped me last time, dont know why they dont help me now