
  1. B

    FREE ‍▪️ Outpost (1.7-1.15) ‍▪️ 1.8.4

    Please Rate! Outpost is a 24/7 capture zone which allows another aspect of competitiveness to your server. It allows factions to capture the zone as well as receive benefits while capturing, when captured and more. You have the option to increase mob spawns, crop growth and exp drops in...
  2. B

    (REQUEST) [ 20% OFF ] [ OUTPOST 1.8x - 1.14.x ] | ✔ HOLOGRAMS | ✔ MULTIPLIERS | ✔ FULLY CONFIGURABLE! 1.7.0-RE

    Name: [ 20% OFF ] [ OUTPOST 1.8x - 1.14.x ] | ✔ HOLOGRAMS | ✔ MULTIPLIERS | ✔ FULLY CONFIGURABLE! 1.7.0-RELEASE Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/20-off-outpost-1-8x-1-14-x-✔-holograms-✔-multipliers-✔-fully-configurable.72378/ Price: 5.19 USD How it would contribute towards the...
  3. Haizivs

    SpigotVIP Ace-Outposts * 1.7 - 1.12 * FactionsUUID, MassivecraftFactions, Kingdoms+ * HUGE API * Easy To Setup v18

    Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Contributors: Aceix8 (me) TEST SERVER Outposts are always going capture points that give the controlling faction rewards! Players teleport to the outpost, then stand in a "Capture Zone" to capture it. The "Capture...
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    timojesus @ timojesus: I fixed some of the gifs for resource and rank prefix banners today, too ur ModelEngine its safe?