actually i am trying to download mcduels2 but it showing you dont have permission
if it is not a problem
them i really need that plugin plzz can you give me permission to download
as my friends and me creating a server which have 10 gb ram and he said that he will add more ram and cpu to it...
Name of the plugin you want updated: Ultra Permissions
Spigot Link:
BlackspigotMC Link:
Why should we update this plugin: the author added new things in the plugin
Tag the author...
Name of the plugin you want:
⭐️Molecule - Advanced Core ⭐️Economy, Perms, Punish, Cross Network Staff-Utils, MongoDB ⭐️
Spigot Link:
Price: 15 GBP
How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: This is so good plugin for Networks. It...
I got ShopGUI+ plugin install in 1.10 server.
I tried to add following permission to players group: <= I was config a page of shop named blocks
but players just can open shop menu by typing /shop command.
He can not open shop pages.
(ah yess, permission...