requested plugins


    Please get the cornucopia, fill chests, teams, and koth plugins LINK: DM ME ON DISCORD IF YOU HAVE IT! User: itswafflez_
  2. (REQUEST) eGlow | Cosmetic | MySQL | Respects EULA v1.9.4-1.20.6 V3.3.1
  3. (REQUEST) LimitedPossessions | LIMIT AND BAN ITEMS | HOLIDAY DEAL! 1.1.4 (really want this plugin for anarchy / Eco server )

    limitedpossessions-limit-and-ban-items 1.1.4 Link: This plugin is good for managing items limit and it perfect for anarchy hostings / Practice PvP servers
  4. (REQUEST) PLS i need HCF Plus plugin

    hi i really need HCF Plus for 1.19

    Name of the resource you want: Arceon v0.4.2 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: It is an advanced building utility/tool that will help Builders across Minecraft. Link:
  6. (REQUEST) AngelChest Plus

    NAME: AngelChest Plus LINK: TYPE: Plugin
  7. (REQUEST) ☄️Elyzium☄️| The ultimate administration plugin | WEB APPLICATION | BRAND NEW FEATURES 2.2.11

    Name of the resource you want: Elyzium How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: This resource is very useful for server owners/admins as it has so many features that helps them out manage their server better. Link...
  8. (REQUEST) Plugin vGambling

    Hello ! 1.Nom du plugin souhaité: vGambling 2.Lien Spigot: https://-Redacted-/resources/vgambling-best-minecraft-gambling-plugin-fixed-all-bugs-and-create-new-mechanic-18-118.252 3.Prix: 15€ 4.Comment cela contribuerait à l'amélioration de la communauté: Pour les personnes qui veulent faire du...
  9. (REQUEST) ✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids 3.2.3i

    hey, I'm need ItemsAdder I see everyone sells it but if someone does it free here it very help to everyone (: Link to the plugin: pls reply with the link of...
  10. (REQUEST) plugins and licences

    HBedwars + licence plis PrivateGames + licence plis please someone who has the licenses in my discord I leave you please discoord id...
  11. [Poly Mart] custom items [Plugin Request]

    [Poly Mart] custom items [Plugin Request] Plugin Link is
  12. (REQUEST) the end crystal plugin

    in this plugin the end crystal have health when you tried to break it it will not break or make explosion just its health get lower when the health is 0 its death and respawn in 10 minutes so i dont know that plugin is is i need
  13. Oraxen Plugin

    Please, i need this plugin.
  14. RESOLVED Planetoids | Minecraft planet generator | Configure every planet, terrain, ores and structures 0.3.1-BETA

    Name : Planetoids | Minecraft planet generator | Configure every planet, terrain, ores and structures 0.3.1-BETA 19.99 USD How it would contribute to the betterment of the community: This plugin is an excellent plugin for expetacular terrain generation LINK ...
  15. Call of Duty Zombies | Shooter Minigame | 1.8 - 1.12 2.2.3

    使命召唤僵尸 | 射手小游戏 | 1.8 - 1.12 2.2.3 插件链接: 价格:9.99 欧元 为什么要插件?:喜欢这个小游戏
  16. (REQUEST) [BIG LIST] Songoda plugins [1.17.1 - 1.18] plugins request!

    Plug-in links!!!
  17. (REQUEST) ⚡Minecity RP⚡ Vehicles, Guns, Apartments, Jobs,Roleplay And More Can Somebody please buy this and can give it to me? my Discord is: Amazee#8044
  18. Axl64

    (REQUEST) ***⚔️ Executable Items ⭐ Add Commands / Triggers on your items ⭐ [1.14 - 1.18]***

    EXECUTABLE ITEMS PREMIUM FOR FREE 1. whit cooldown ok 2. unlimited items ok 3. 40+activators and More COMMANDS SOMEBODY??? PLEASE!!!
  19. (REQUEST) *⚔️ Executable Items ⭐ Create Custom Items Easily ⭐ [1.12 - 1.18]]*

    Price : 15.97euro Make this plugin free of cost updated FREEE ALL PEOPLE WILL BE HAPPY I BET YOU Please Reply +1 MAKE THIS FREE RIGHT NOWWWWWW More: There is a free version but less items unlocked but in premiuim 40+activators and More COMMANDS SO PLEASEEE
  20. jaku

    (REQUEST) RevEnchants Prison/SkyBlock (25+ enchants for pickaxe) + Cosmic Energy, 10.03 - (1.8/1.17)

    i want to this plugin pls leak