spigot outdated

  1. AWAITING UPDATE ✪ DeluxePlayerOptions | [1.8.8 - 1.16.x] ✪

    Name of the plugin you want updated: ✪ DeluxePlayerOptions | [1.8.8 - 1.16.x] ✪ [Paid] Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/✪-deluxeplayeroptions-1-8-8-1-16-x-✪.33033/ BlackspigotMC Link: https://blackspigot.com/downloads/deluxeplayeroptions-placeholderapi-support.12665/ Why should we...
  2. JakSar77

    (REQUEST) EpicHoppers - Better, Stronger, Faster Hoppers.

    Name of the plugin you want: EpicHoppers - Better, Stronger, Faster Hoppers. Songoda Link : https://songoda.com/marketplace/product/epichoppers-better-stronger-faster-hoppers.15 Price : 10.00$ How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : Plugin is already on BS, but it's not...
  3. zuhi

    GUIDE Disable spigot outdated warn

    1 - Create spigot server 2 - Right click on start.bat and select "Edit" 3 - Add this parameter: "-DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear" THIS PARAMETER MUST BE BEFORE THE "-JAR" PARAMETER 4 - Save, open your server and see how that annoying message disappears _____________________ If you have...