
  1. E

    Pyzem Studios Resources - Premium Request

    https://pyzem.com/shop/ They have amazing resources and its on 50% sale right now, aslo they accept paypal. I would like this one so much https://pyzem.com/product/srpremium/ So if there are still any good leakers, please 😘.
  2. ClydeplayzYT590

    (REQUEST) Vampiric Tebex Theme v1.1

    Name of the resource you want: Vampiric Tebex Theme v1.1 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: It would be useful for Tebex store owners to design their store Link: https://builtbybit.com/resources/vampiric-tebex-theme.30489/?ref=discover
  3. G

    Deluxe Tebex Table Addon

    Could someone leak/release it for free here https://builtbybit.com/resources/deluxe-tebex-table-addon.25436/
  4. RealNotSound

     FREE [€39.99] SPAROX TEBEX THEME v1.2.0

    Huge shout out to my good friend 'IHateFrance332' for supplying me with this! They gave me their permission to upload! If you have any issues please just message me!2 Proudly presenting Sparox Tebex Theme, a BuyCraft/Tebex theme to accompany your journey as you build, grow and develop your...
  5. Faithfulcyan

     FREE [#1 Template] Deluxe Tebex/Buycraft Theme 3.3

    BE SURE TO CHANGE THE IMAGES IN THE CONFIG, THEY MIGHT BE COPYRIGHTED!!!! If you wish to see more of my uploads Support Link: OxyDrug
  6. A

     FREE [NEW] Sparox Tebex Theme 2022-01-09

    Live Preview: https://sparox-theme.tebex.io/
  7. L

    Official Combat Tebex Theme

    The official tebex combat theme
  8. Bella_Delphine

    LightingBuy - Buycraft/Tebex Template (Now with 4 colors) 5.1

    https://www.mc-market.org/resources/1486/ This template only works for Buycraft/Tebex and you need the Ultimate plan.
  9. Sauron

    NEW Tebex Icons 1.0

BlackSpigot General Chat
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    timojesus @ timojesus: I fixed some of the gifs for resource and rank prefix banners today, too ur ModelEngine its safe?