
  1. YOnikos

     FREE PyroFishingPro [ALL VERSIONS] [#1 Fishing Plugin!] [NEW Tournament Rework] 4.8.28 4.8.28

    SUPPORT Need Support? Want to relax? Join my discord! Important Notice: As of v4.6.0, the plugin now requires PyroLib to be installed. You can download this here. FEATURES ⊙ Custom Fish ⊙ Create your own custom fish, set the biome, day/night, weather cycle, specific Y Levels. region support...
  2. Vlogotakux

    Bedwars1058 - Private Games - 1.1.1

    Please note updates are going to be soon with new amazing features. Addon for the BedWars1058 plugin, which allows players with specific permission to create BedWars private games and play with their friends or party members. This addon works with parties, It allows party owners to change...
  3. G

    SpigotVIP Spartan Anti Cheat 443.1

    Spartan AntiCheat 14 Day Money Back Guarantee Spartan should be your top choice when it comes to anticheats. It offers full solution detections, delivers on its claims, and has proven its excellent reputation over the years. Reviews that truly represent Spartan Most Used Premium Anticheat...
  4. G

     Farm Limiter 1.5.1

    Documentation You can find the complete documentation on filoghost.me/docs/farm-limiter Description Farm Limiter prevents players from making abnormal mob farms, limiting groups of near entities of the same type. This is a common issue on survival servers. Farm Limiter is able to limit many...
  5. G

     Faction Rankup 3.2.14

    This plugin works with Factions or FactionsUUID. If you have FactionsUUID you need to enable economy with /f config econEnabled true. The FactionRanking plugin was created as a way to make your Factions Server more speical & unique. Get your Factions, and make it to the strongest, and rank to...
  6. G

     EliteArmor 2023-07-14

    This plugin is highly customizable, meaning you can change almost everything in the plugin to suit your server. You can also create your own sets free from limitations! This includes being able to create as many sets as you would like without causing lag NEW For v6 Separate files for each...
  7. Segretary

     CMI - 298+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More! // UPDATED //

    Disclaimer and heads up: As of 1.17.0 version there are plans to drop support for 1.9 1.10 and 1.11 versions. While 1.8 and 1.7.10 are on a fence and depending on how many people will want to have this we will evaluate that and ether we will keep it for next couple mc versions or do a big fat...
  8. Affiliated

     {CondenseWands} ▪ Condense Ingots to Blocks ▪ Awesome Donator Perk 2020-02-26

    Join the discord (https://discord.gg/UewJBbd) & head over to #plugins for the plugin! Any updates will also be posted there! CONDENSE WANDS Condense ingots into blocks with easily
  9. K

    [REQUEST] Miniature Pets

    Hello there! I'm searching if someone have the Miniature Pets last plugin version. Last version: 2.1 Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/miniature-pets-boost-up-your-personal-server-with-amazing-customizeable-pets-halloween-sale.23991/ Thanks :D
  10. God

    SERVER [SALE -30%] [NEW MAP] Lobby Setup » Complete | LobbySelector | CustomMenu | Portals | NPC's & More! 2018-06-02

    Please, Consider donating and helping me getting more and better resources! Will try my best and help the community! https://www.paypal.me/godbsmc [NEW] Lobby Setup, Ready to Use. This setup includes features like big networks. There are 4 portals for connecting your servers. You can go to...
  11. KolossMC

     YouTube Bridge 1.5.5_4

    IF YOU LIKE THE PLUGIN PLEASE RATE 5 STARS AND LEAVE A GOOD MESSAGE ON MY PROFILE FOR THE WORK <3 Spanish Video by maxmar628 German Video by TheGamingChris Turkish Video by LordsOfKeçi Support If you have Questions before buying or if you need help setting everything up always contact me. I...
  12. C

     EggWars! [Villagers][MultiArena / Bungee][Generators][Configurable] 4.6

    By Plugin Premium Spigot FREE/GRATIS: http://adf.ly/1dygNb TEST SERVERS! Multiverse isn't supported!!!! I recommend MultiWorld <----- This plugin requires Minecraft 1.8 or Minecraft 1.9 :) Plugin by gaelitoelquesito. If you are about to leave a...
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