INVALID FORMAT [$25] ☢ SupremeHoes ☢ [1.8.8]

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New Member

That plugin must be leaked the owner of plugin put 25$ for one single plugin HAHAHAh OmG!
And he is also very rude person.

All upgrades can be configured to have different values, and costs in the config.
You can also disable certain upgrades. Spawner and Key commands will have to be configured to suit your server.

Drop Booster, Token Booster, Spawner Drop, Key Drop, and Sell Booster Enchantments all have unlimited levels.

Cane Top
/canetop shows a list of players with ranking and cane broken, it can either be in a GUI or in Chat (configurable), you can also choose whether you want it to count cane broken with the multiplier upgrade, or just raw cane broken. The time between recalculating is configurable.
It also has placeholders which can be used with holograms, this greatly encourages competition so people will want to smack more cane!

Cane Captcha
CaneCaptcha automatically triggers after a certain amount of time, and cane broken. Everything about it is configurable. After being given a captcha and successfully completing it you are whitelisted for a configurable amount of time, and you can set it to unwhitelist them on relogging if you wish. The Captcha we use has Unicode characters to help stop anyone from creating a bot/script to break the Captcha.

You can also put a command for when someone fails a Captcha 3 times, and when someone fails a Captcha 5 times. ( For if you want to kick/ban a player for failing Captcha )


When breaking cane it will keep track of all cane broken during 10 seconds, this is to reduce lag from updating player's balances through vault. The time at which is sells is configurable.

Default tokens per cane and money per cane broken can be edited in the config. Make sure the price in the config matches your shop price for sugarcane.
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