- AdvancedMonthlyCrates
- https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%AD%90advancedmonthlycrates%E2%AD%90-%E2%AD%95animated-crates-%E2%AD%95.67293/
- Price:
- 3.99 euro
It is nice plugin for more expencive crates than the normal ones.
There are other monthly crates plugins but this one is the best.
Opens with lightning strike without GUI and the items spins. IT IS NICE.
Please leak it. It will be good leak. - Webpage:
- AdvancedMonthlyCrates|Animated Crates! 1.1.0
Animated Monthly Crates With Many More Animations Coming!
Native Minecraft Version:
Legacy (< 1.13)
Tested Minecraft Versions:
- 1.8
which allow you to make Your Servers Monthly Crates Much more Special!
AnimatedMonthlyCrates is a plugin letting you give more animations to your server and so making it more unique!
- Options to choose from how many items will be in the animation!
- Easily fix your crates with the command locating all the errors!
- Customize the messages to your own liking in the config folder!
- Configurations determining how the plugin works!
- And many more animations to come!
- list - Shows a list of all correctly made monthly crates. ; AMC.List
- give <player> <crate> <amount> - Gives a Monthly Crate to the player. ; AMC.Give
- giveall <crate> <amount> - Gives everyone on the server a Monthly Crate. ; AMC.GiveAll
- reload - Reloads all plugins configurations. ; AMC.Reload
- errors - Sends out why and where MCrates are not configured properly. ; AMC.Errors
Currently Available:
- Circle Animation
Coming Soon:
- Pyramid Animation
- Display Animation
Coming Soon!
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