ALEXZ ★ ➢ Essentials | Advanced config.yml (KITS INCLUDED)

ALEXZ ★ ➢ Essentials | Advanced config.yml (KITS INCLUDED) v1.0


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alexassiasios submitted a new resource:

ALEXZ ★ ➢ Essentials | Advanced config.yml (KITS INCLUDED) - Best essentials config.yml

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C O N F I G . Y M L

✉ Contact:
➥ Discord: Alexz#3501
➥ E-mail: Coming Soon

→ I N F O R M A T I O N ←

This config.yml does the following:

• Join Message
• No Fall Damage (☢ EssentialsProtect Needed ☢)
• Mobs Doesen't Attack Players
• Kits
• Custom Chat Format (☢ EssentialsChat Needed ☢)
• No Death Messages

And many more...

For this config.yml to work fully the following plugins needed

• EssentialsProtect

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