Anvils should be BUFFED




•Anvils were supposed to be the main way for players to restore durability on their tools, but with competition like mending, that is just not possible.

•Anvils lack in basically everything: Price to craft, Price to use and durability

-It's SUPER expensive early game (if you don't like super-early iron farms);

-It costs so many ores and XP to restores a single tool, most of the times it's cheaper to just make another one (4 netherite ingots to restore a netherite shovel ?!);

-Durability isn't really the problem, it's the fact that it WILL break eventually, and using an anvil until it breaks is not an unrealistic sceneraio;


-Make every tool be restored to full durability with a single ore, and change netherite tools to be restored with scraps, not full ingots;

-Remove the "too expensive" thing or make renaming an item not count towards it along side an increase to the XP cap on the anvil;

-Make anvils restorable with iron ingots just like iron golems.

OBS: librarians, weapon/tool smiths and armorer should be nerfed... BUT if they do it, they should rework/buff other was of enchanting your tools, being the anvil, enchantment table and estructures that contain enchanted books (piramids, jungle temples, etc.)

submitted by /u/FreshConstruction629
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